In the shadows

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Lady Dimitrescu POV

Her sweet giggles are like music to my ears. She's only been here for a week and she's already got me wrapped around her little finger. I've asked Bella to treat her with utmost care, although I know the girls would do so anyway. They too have quickly become enchanted by the girl's sweetness and I must say they have grown quite protective of her.

"well little Rose, go on now, plenty of work awaits you" I heard Bella say as an adorable blush covered Olivia's cheeks making me chuckle softly. It makes me wonder if she is just shy or if it's possible she could be an age regressor. I don't want to get too ahead of myself but the things she does makes me wonder.
I've seen how she twirls along the hallways filling the corridor with her carefree giggles when no one is watching, how she plays around with her food to make smiley faces with it. Or how she pouts and whimpers softly when something or someone scares her. I think I might've even heard her whispering to a stuffed animal last night, although it could have been the cat she hides in her room. Oh yes, she thinks she's so sneaky but I've known she's kept the cat in her room since the first day she got here. The critter is quite the little purring machine and my sensitive ears can detect almost any noise in the castle.
I thought of confronting her about the cat, I most certainly don't like being lied to or have secrets kept from me, but then again, I'd like to see just how long she can hide the cat for *chuckles*.

The familiar footsteps of my daughter Bella take me out of my thoughts as I see her walking into the corridor were I kept hidden watching the interaction with Olivia.

"Spying on me mother I see" Bella says with a smirk.
"Oh please child, we both know it's not you I was spying on. I can't seem to get her out of my mind"
"Well by the looks of it, you might need to pay her a visit soon. It's the third day in a row that she's been barely on time and messy-looking in some way. Although I did enjoy getting to do her hair today. She's so cute mother, I really hope she turns out to be an age regressor, I would love to braid her hair more often"
"All in due time my dear, the girl does seem to need some guidance and structure though"
"Yes, I agree"
I hum in agreement and we part ways. I had quite a bit of work ahead of me today and so did Bella, Olivia wasn't the only maid we had acquired in the past two weeks and they all needed to be trained. I'm certainly a bit of a strict woman and I expect things to be done properly and efficiently. I headed to my study to gather my thoughts and get ready for the day with a nice cup of tea.

Olivia's POV

My cheeks go red as Bella tells me to go do my work. I tried but I just couldn't help it, that nickname filled my tummy with the type of butterflies that make me feel little. And I just can't let them know I'm little, that would be too scary and embarrassing, I'm sure they would kick me out. That's partly why I left the farm in the village, I needed to regress more often and I think some people were starting to get suspicious.
I however, really thought it would be easier to be small here. Although having my room certainly helps everyone here is so strict and not to mention tall that it often just makes me feel so small and protected it makes me wanna slip.
Just the thought of wanting to slip and not being able to makes me pout.
I wipe the pout of me face however and get to work quickly, I've loved working at the castle and although the lady is not as scary as everyone made her seem she is definitely strict and the look she gives makes me not want to disappoint her, like ever.

*time skip to the afternoon once she's done all her duties*

I let out a loud sigh as I fall against my comfy bed, I've been working aaaallll day and my legs are quite tired now, so is my mind, I feel the need to be small but I've still got dinner and a couple more hours before I can actually retreat to my bedroom for the night. I'm actually not even supposed to be here right now, oops. I just really wanted to come check on Bean, I snuck out a sardine from the kitchen, they're Bean's favourite but a bit smelly so I had to give it to him immediately. I also wanted to quickly lay on my bed for a few minutes and hug snowflake for some energy-boosting cuddles *giggles*

I quickly stop my giggling when I hear footsteps near my door. Someone knocks on my door and I stay extra quiet so that they'll be on their way but instead I hear the lady's voice on the other side "hello, Olivia, are you in there?"
Uh oh, I'm supposed to be working right now so I stay quiet hoping she'll go away to find me somewhere else. It's not my lucky day however and the next thing I know I hear keys jingling and my door lock turning. I quickly sprint in Bean's direction in a desperate attempt to hide him but as I turn around while holding him tightly against myself I am faced with the lady of the house herself staring at me with one eye
brow raised and her hands crossed.

"Uh oh" I softly whisper out.


And that's a wrap on chapter two everyone, I hope you're liking the story so far. Sorry for the late update, I had a bit of a busy week with family. I will be uploading another chapter sometime tomorrow and will continue to try and upload a chapter every Monday :)

(I proofread before posting to try and minimize grammar mistakes but if you see any let me know and I'll try my best to fix them)

(Pic of how I imagine Bean would look like:

- Violet

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