Evil carrots and big feelings

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I can't believe I just gave Lady Dimitrescu a hug! I hope she's not mad at me but something about her makes me feel so comfy. She was so nice to me earlier and she even let me keep Bean. I'm glad she did because I surely would have slipped and cried otherwise and that would've been scary.
Lady Dimitrescu makes me feel really safe but I'm not sure how she would react if I were to slip completely and I don't wanna scare her away.

I stop thinking about that for now and dig into my yummy dinner, we were having chicken nuggets and fries tonight which we only have once a month. I'm vegetarian though so mine are veggie nuggets, they're really yummy too and look just like the real ones. I make sure to dip each bite in some ketchup until all the food on my plate is gone and there's now a big smile on my face, well almost. I still had to finish the boiled carrots that were served along with the yummyness. Don't get me wrong, I love veggies but mostly if they're raw, I don't like boiled carrots unless they're in soup.
I play around with the carrots for a bit moving them around until I'm the only one left in the dining room. Ugh I wish I could just go to my room now, I'm so sleepy and when I'm sleepy I get grouchy but I can't because of the mean rules, all the maids have to finish all the food on their plate, something about them wanting us to have enough energy to do our jobs properly. I just sit there looking at the evil carrots wishing they would just disappear if I stare long enough. I was about to get up and just quickly toss them without anyone seeing but just then Bella came in through the doors.
"Hello again little Rose, what are you still doing here? I was just coming to check everyone was finished so that my mother, sisters and I could have our own dinner now, we usually like eating later once everyone's in their rooms."
" oh sorry to be here still, I -I was just leaving" I say quickly and try to cover up the carrots with my hands so that she doesn't see I still haven't finished.
" Olivia, why are your hands on your plate?"
" o- oh, they're just tired and this plate is just so comfy" I say and laugh nervously.
" really? So you're not hiding anything?"
"No, no, not at all" I say forcing a smile through my teeth.
Bella raises her eyebrow at me and quickly walks over to me moving my hands out of the way before I could even process her actions.
"Nothing to hide you were saying? It looks like someone hasn't finished their dinner. Finish please, it's getting late and you need to go to bed"
I furrow my eyebrows and let out a small whine as my body grows tired with each second " but but I'm full"
" your portion was not that big and you need to finish it please, besides I don't think it's a coincidence the carrots are the only thing left on your plate hmm?" She says looking straight in to my soul.
I keep eye contact for a couple of seconds before whining and falling back against my seat " but I don't like cooked carrots, they're all soft and mushy and just so so evil"
Bella laughs at me softly and picks up a carrot with the fork and tries to hand it to me " well evil or not you need to finish the carrots before bed, and that's an order as your boss"
I feel tears prick at my eyes as I can feel all the tiredness in my body now, I don't wanna finish those dumb carrots I just wanna go to bed and cuddle snowflake and Bean. But instead I'm being forced to eat the evil carrots and the worst part is that I can tell I'm starting to slip into my headspace with all the attention and my tiredness.
" I don't want to eat them Bella, I just wanna sleep" I whine out as I stand up rubbing my eyes.
" you're just being mean, I'm going night night now and you can't do anything about it" I say a little bit too loud and start running toward the door.
The next thing I know I hit a wall and my bum lands harshly against the floor making me whimper softly
"Oh my, Olivia, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you running so fast toward here. What were you doing running anyway, you know that's not allowed" I hear the lady's voice say. So it wasn't a wall, oops.
I look up at her and the concerned and somewhat stern look in her eyes is enough to make me slip a little into an emotional mess.
I don't say anything back and just stay right we're I fell and start sniffling which quickly turns into soft cries, my hands desperately trying to wipe the tears away.

Lady Dimitrescu POV

My eyes soften as I see the girl in front of me start to cry.
" oh my, little one, I'm sorry if I upset you with my tone there, what's got you so worked up" I say softly as I carefully bend down to kneel on the floor getting on her level. "Do you need a hug?"
She looks up at me as she continues to try to rub away the tears and just nods before throwing herself into my arms.
" I'm sorry lady 'mitescu. B-Bella was being mean and sayin I have to eat da carrots and I just so seepy and tired and I no wan carrots. And now I got an owwie when I fell too" the little girl in front of me cried out having clearly slipped into a younger headspace.
"Oh sweet girl, you're just having a tough evening huh? You can also call me Alcina, dear" I say as I give her a tight hug and rub her back in circular motions hoping that would help her calm down.
She nods her head and cries out all her feelings. She keeps her hold on me resting her head on my shoulder as her cries die down to sniffles.
"There, there sweet girl. See you're alright. My knees however are starting to get sore against the floor. Is it okay if I pick you up little Rose?"
She lets out a soft "okay" and wraps her legs around me as I stand up supporting her bum with one hand and using the other to continue rubbing her back in soothing motions.
I walk us over to the dining table where all my daughters are sitting down already to have their dinner and sit down with the girl on my lap.
"According to this little one you've been quite mean Bella. How dare you make the poor girl eat her carrots" I say turning toward Bella with a smirk.
"Oh yes mother, I am quite the evil carrot villain, anyone on my watch has to eat all their carrots" she says back with a soft chuckle.
"Y-yeah Bella, not nice, no carrots!" Olivia jumps in as she readjusts herself to face everyone at the table while sitting on my lap.
We all chuckle softly at her eager response.
"But carrots are just so yummy, and did you know that carrots give your eyes secret superpowers?" Daniela jumps into the conversation trying to convince the little Rose to have her carrots.
Olivia gasps in surprise looking at Daniela "they do? How?"
" well it's secret because you can't see it but it makes your eyes super strong"
"Really? But they taste so yucky when they're cooked" Olivia whines out as she tries to hide herself against me.
"Okay tell you what, if you eat your carrots I'll eat a giant cooked carrot too, and trust me I hate those evil orange things too" Cassandra looks over at Olivia with a wink.
The little one looks up at me almost asking me to help her out.
" that sounds like a good idea little Rose, wouldn't you say?" I tell her softly.
She lets out another tired whine and rubs her eyes but nods in agreement "okay, but I eat only one! Please?" She asks me with puppy eyes.
"Okay little Rose, but just this once, because you're tired. Next time you need to eat them all" I say while holding her chin so she knows I'm serious about this.
She whines out softly saying "otay 'cina, next time"
"Good girl"


Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I honestly really enjoyed writing it! We finally got a sneak peek of little Olivia and in the next chapter she'll have a big slip! Stay tuned to see what happens. Thanks for all the support so far! Let me know if you have any suggestions :) I also try to proofread but if you see any mistakes let me know.

(fYI: I'll be updating on Mondays and in-between when I have time)

- Violet

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