Chapter 41: Chains of Aurora's Past

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As the morning sun filtered through the dense canopy, Kirito, Cid, and Aurora walked in silence, the tranquillity of the forest enveloping them. Suddenly, Kirito glanced around, his curiosity piqued. "Where are we?" he asked, his gaze darting between his companions.

Aurora's eyes twinkled with a hint of mystery as she turned to Kirito. "We're inside my memory," she replied softly, a gentle smile playing on her lips. Kirito and Cid exchanged surprised glances, realizing they had stepped into the depths of Aurora's past.

As they continued their stroll through the forest, Kirito couldn't shake off the feeling of disorientation. "This place is truly strange," he remarked, scratching his head. "My sense of direction is completely useless here."

Kirito glanced at Cid with a perplexed expression. "So, Cid, mind enlightening me on how you ended up in here?"

Aurora, her eyes sparkling with amusement, interjected before Cid could respond. "Oh, Kirito, the Sanctuary called him. After all, he defeated-"

Cid swiftly covered Aurora's mouth, his eyes wide with panic. "Err, no need to dwell on that, Miss Aurora," he stuttered, struggling to explain. "I, uh, just stumbled through a random door, and voila! Here I am, lost in the wonders of Miss Aurora's mind."

Kirito blinked, a mixture of amusement and disbelief crossing his features. "Stumbled through a door, you say? Well, Cid, I must commend your talent for stumbling into unexpected places."

As they walked, the dense foliage gradually gave way to an open plaza, bathed in the soft, golden hues of morning light. Kirito, Cid, and Aurora paused, their attention drawn to the serene beauty ahead.

In the centre of the plaza sat a small girl, her figure hunched over as she clutched her knees tightly. Her shoulders trembled slightly, and tears glistened in the sunlight.

"I think she's crying," Kirito remarked softly, his gaze fixed on the forlorn figure

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I think she's crying," Kirito remarked softly, his gaze fixed on the forlorn figure.

Cid nodded in agreement. "It seems so," he murmured, his eyes scanning the plaza for any signs of distress.

As they approached the crying girl, Cid squinted, studying her features intently. "She... she looks like Aurora," he murmured, his voice tinged with surprise.

Kirito turned to Aurora, a questioning look in his eyes. "What are we supposed to do now?" he asked, his gaze lingering on her.

Before Aurora could respond, Kirito's attention was drawn to the girl's frail form, noticing bruises littering her body. Concern etched across his features, he began to rush toward her, but Aurora gently placed a hand before him, halting his advance.

With a warm smile, Aurora looked into Kirito's eyes. "I can see you have a kind soul," she said softly, her voice carrying a sense of reassurance. "Maybe that's why the Sanctuary let you in."

Aurora's expression hardened as she looked upon her younger self with disdain. "But kindness won't solve every single problem that lies ahead," she stated firmly, her voice devoid of the warmth from before. She turned to Kirito, determination flickering in her eyes. "Sometimes, we have to face harsh realities head-on."

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