{Meet the Targaryens}

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Titles: Princess of Summerhall, Rhaella the Timid, The Quite Dragon

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Titles: Princess of Summerhall, Rhaella the Timid, The Quite Dragon

Princess Rhaella Targaryen is the shyest and most recluse of her sisters, with a beauty that most claim makes her Rhaenys, the sister-wife of Aegon the Conqueror, come again. Her eyes were the purest, amethyst, deepest, and richest purple a Targaryen could have. Rhaella is a beautiful woman with her silver-gold hair, more akin to white, which she kept long and wore loose, purple eyes, and a slender body, often wearing long dresses with long sleeves to keep herself modest as she once wished to be a septa. Often thought of as meek and the most overlooked of her sisters, she is easily the most observant. In truth, Prince Aemon nor her sister Saera never informed her, she received most of the betrothal requests of her sisters due to the notion that she is the ideal representation of what a lady of the realm should be, meek and submissive, and her nephew Aemon almost burnt down no less than a dozen castles in the rage of it. It is rumored that she is the aunt that Aemon is most protective of and the one who calms him the most when he is in a rage. A woman of the faith, her patience is second to none, and her following of the Seven is comparable only to her sister Maegelle. Rhaella was said by many to be a quiet and timid princess, but she was also known to be a strange and lovely girl who wore flowers in her hair; more often than not, it is the children of Summertown who placed the flowers in her hair as they made crowns of flowers to place upon their head. She is known to spend more time with children than with lords and ladies. While timid with high lords and ladies, it was known that she would dance strangely and sing with the smallfolk and the children in the sept. Some considered the strange Rhaella half-mad, but her nephew, Prince Aemon, claims that there has never been a member of their family who was truly mad. When Rhaella quietly reminded him of Maegor the Cruel, who defied the faith of which she was devout, he claimed that a dragon must sometimes make enemies of the gods if he is to claim the heavens; in response, Rhaella, who often did not speak, screamed loudly in the castle, loud enough that the smallfolk thought it was the dragons from the Dragoncaves, and she cursed him in High Valyrian, she would not speak to him for another month afterwards. When asked how best to describe his aunt Rhaella, Prince Aemon said, "She is beautiful and bright in the way the flame is beautiful and bright from a distance, but only a fool would dare forget that a fire still burns and even the smallest flame can burn down a forest."

Dragon: Perzys, who is sunset and orange in coloring 

Title: The Sunset Queen

Size: 110 feet

Wing span: 220 feet


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