Viserra Plays With Her Toys

529 25 15

Summertown 112 AC

Viserra Targaryen

In the wake of Aegon's Day, Summerhall buzzed with activity. Viserra stood upon the cobbled streets of Aenar's Hill, her gaze tracing the swirl of colors of sigils, banners, and cloth. The air was thick with the scent of roasted meats and spiced wine, mingling with the joyful laughter that echoed through the narrow lanes.

In place of Summerhall's grand halls, the heart of the celebration had shifted to Summertown, where Aenar's Hill rose majestically, a beacon of warmth and camaraderie amidst the chill of winter. Aemon and Saera had worked on the logistics and the decrees, but Maegelle and Rhaella were the ones who informed and brought excitement to the people of such a

celebration; Viserra had to guess it was because they dealt with smallfolk so often in the Summer Sept.

Rhaella and Maegelle had convinced Aemon to mirror the festivities to be similar to one's own name day due to the fact that some smallfolk never had the chance to celebrate the day of their birth. So what better day to celebrate and give gifts than the day of Aegon the Conqueror's own birth? Maegelle would convince the adults and parents to buy small gifts for their children and to give them to the children once dawn broke on the day. Rhaella, who was often the quietest of her sisters, had an innate skill with children and spoke to them about being surprised with presents on the day of Aegon the Coqneror's birth from their parents, and they would need to be extra kind and good if they wished for the best presents.

It took little effort from the pair to convince the stoic, solemn, brooding Aemon to decrease the costs of certain products to be sold for the children due to the fact it was the first year of this event. Viserra would admit that the days, weeks, no, the entire month leading up to Aegon's Day was a feeling of warmth and bliss, kindness, and love that went past those of her own family, but as though all the people seemed happy and glad. She felt a warmth she rarely felt. There were no worries; there were no politics, no wars, or grief, just the celebration of those once held dear. Aemon was known, wide and far, for being a solemn and serious person when not in the presence of the Princesses of Summerhall, but Aegon's Day had won him much love from the people.

Viserra placed her hand on the Valyrian steel necklace that Aemon had given her. He had bought six, one for each one of his aunts and her sisters, but no two were alike. Each was made so the front looked as though they were the scales of a dragon; each one died to look like the scales of the dragon they rode. Individual Valryian diamond-shaped curved scales were laid over one another; the scales in their cluster were in shape to perfectly fit in the space of a low necklined dress as if just barely fully covering the epode upper breasts. Viserra's own was a maroon, a deep red crimson. Each necklace looked beautiful as the dyed controlling contrasted with the dark Valyrian steel ripples. She had said it before and would say it again. Aemon rarely spoke, not in her or her sister's presence, but it was his actions that spoke a thousand times louder.

Aemon's decree had transformed this day into something akin to a royal banquet on the streets of Aenar's Hill, yet with a twist uniquely his own. Gifts, not mere trinkets but tokens of affection and esteem, exchanged hands like whispers in the wind. Each offering bore the weight of sentiment, a testament to the bonds forged in the fires of friendship and family. From what Viserra could coax from Rhaella and Maegelle, the children had risen bright and early, without their parents' need to wake them, and they woke them in excitement and smiles. Their mothers and fathers had not seen such joy before, and they were gladdened by it in ways that they could not express.

But it was after the presents and time of family were over, near midday, that people truly left their homes and came to Aenar's Hill to celebrate what Aemon and Saera had been debating and working on for nearly three moons.

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