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"Hold on!" Oliver stopped her. "I don't want things to be any more awkward than it already is" He continued.
"Oh really? Says the person who's making things awkward" Alice sarcastically replied.
"And that's why I said I don't want to make things more awkward" Oliver was bewildered by her behavior, but he liked it. Alice wasn't always like that and it was rare seeing her like that.
"Can we go now? Cause staying here isn't going to change anything" Alice actually wanted to leave, she didn't even notice how she was behaving.
"Okay! Lets go, I'll walk you home" With that, they left the class. While they were walking through the hallways, they came across Victor who obviously didn't plan on just passing by.
"Well well well. If it isn't Alice in wonderland and the tiny little wolf?" It was very obvious that Victor was trying to mess with Oliver using those annoying lines.
"And what is a lost lamb doing in front of a wolf?" Oliver wasn't ready to loose to him.
"So you are really gonna start exchanging words here?" Alice who was not ready to keep quiet this time butted in.
"Maybe" surprisingly both guys gave the same reply at the same time.
"What? Are you scared I am gonna beat his ass off?" Victor asked. He was starting to get a little too over confident.
"Says the person who couldn't even win in a fight against me yesterday." Oliver taunted. Alice laughed at his remark cause she noticed he was using her words.
"Oh you really think highly of yourself now because you were able to get a few hits on me by chance!" Hearing that, Oliver chuckled.
"Ohhh! So you think that beating your little puny ass was by chance." Oliver laughed again cause he found Victor's stupidity really funny. 'He couldn't even get a better excuse' Oliver thought. Victor was silent for a while, he didn't have anything to say but he was determined to not loose against Oliver.
"What? Cat caught your tongue?" Oliver asked clearly enjoying Victor's misery.
"Hahahahahahaha!!!" Victor laughed uncontrollably. This really got Alice thinking.
"What the fuck is wrong with this guy?" She asked Oliver.
"And you think I know..." Oliver replied. Soon, Victor stopped laughing.
"You wanna fight again? Maybe we'll find out if you won by chance or not" Victor offered.
"No way!" Alice spoke seeing as Oliver was actually dropping his bag and loosing the first two buttons on his black shirt.
"You want to fight? Here, fight me" Oliver taunted Victor.
Then, he threw a punch right to Victor's face but he dodged it. Seeing that, Alice decided to step aside. Oliver smiled again and threw another punch to Victor's face, but Victor dodged it yet again.
"That's all you've got? Dodging" Oliver taunted. But this got Victor angry, he threw a punch to Oliver's face which Oliver was not expecting so he was hit. When Oliver was trying to recover, Victor sent a kick right to Oliver's stomach.
"Arrgh!" Oliver groaned in pain. Alice was very worried about him but she chose to stay away. She knew Oliver would be mad at her if she interfered. Victor didn't give Oliver any time to recover and punched him in the stomach again.
"Arrgh!" Oliver groaned again. Victor did not care, it was very obvious that he was upset about what Oliver did to him the other day. So he kept on punching him in the face.
"Stop!" Alice yelled. She felt Victor was taking it too far. But Victor didn't listen, he kept on beating Oliver.
"It's enough Victor!" Alice yelled and this time she went closer and pushed him away from Oliver. Looking at Oliver's state, Victor was satisfied.
"Guess who was beaten up now?" Victor smiled and left.
"I'll take you home, okay?" Alice was very worried about him. He couldn't get up on his own and his stomach hurt pretty bad, his lips were busted and he got bruises on his face. Victor really damaged him. But stubborn Oliver said,
"I'll be fine, don't worry about me. It's just a few bruises anyways so go home."
Alice looked at him again clearly annoyed.
"You call this a few bruises? You are badly injured and you are calling it a few bruises. Am calling a cab anyways."
Oliver looked at her and smiled. She was worried about him and was even planning to goto his place with him. He wanted to laugh and he didn't know why. He just felt happy.
"But..." Before Oliver could say anything Alice shut him up." Shut up!"
Alice called a cab and assisted Oliver in getting up. She put his arm around her shoulders and her hand around his waist, then they both walked out and went straight to the school's gate. A few people saw Oliver's bad state, but they knew better and kept quiet.
When the cab arrived, Alice helped him get in the car and she got in too.

While in the cab Alice stared at Oliver again and again. She was very upset that Oliver actually got into a fight with Victor and even lost.
"What?" Oliver noticed her stares and asked.
"You are asking?" Alice replies with a question clearly upset.
"Of course. Aren't you the one staring at me like I did something wrong?" His questions got Alice aggravated. 'Why is he acting like nothing happened?" She thought to herself .
"Oh! So you did nothing. You just got into a fight and got yourself beaten up pretty badly. That's nothing right?" Oliver didn't want to admit that he actually got beaten up do to a lot of overconfidence. He even felt he was being mommed by her. She was literally nagging him like his mom would.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Was all Oliver said.
'What sort of kid is this? His girlfriend is clearly worried about him and he's ignoring it' The driver thought to himself and smiled. He stared at the mirror to look at them and quickly fixed his eyes to the road and kept on driving.
"Oliver why did you get into a fight with him again?" She asked gently.
"Because I wanted to teach him a lesson..." his voice trailed off realizing he was the one who was taught a lesson.
"But you got hurt instead" Her tone was soft, she stared at his wounds and touched his swollen cheek.
"Ish!" Came a pained sound from Oliver.
"Oh, it hurts. Am sorry" she spoke anxiously when she realized his wound hurt.
"It's okay" He said and smiled.
"It's my fault. It's all because of me. Am so..." Oliver cut her short coldly realize she was going to start with her self blame again.
"Keep quiet! Nothing is your fault." He didn't realize he made her feel even more guilty by saying that. She felt he always made him protect her because she was too weak. She was silent throughout the rest of the ride to his house and Oliver was too.

When they arrived his home Oliver opened the door and tried getting out himself, but Alice was faster, she quickly got out through the other side and help him out.
"It's not that serious though. Am fine and I can walk on my own." Oliver tried to ease her worries but she didn't care anyways. As she was about to pay the cab driver, the driver spoke;
" Young love! I also met my wife when I was in high school. Let me tell you one thing, love from young last eternity. So young man, keep her and stop letting her get worried about you. Okay?" When he finished speaking, he collected the money and drove away without letting them explain that they weren't lovers.
Oliver came from a wealthy family so as expected he didn't leave in an apartment like Alice. There were a lot of flowers planted around the big white gate, the mansion, was colored white and grey. There was a huge black door at the entrance of the mansion, with traces of white designs on it. (Y'all can picture the rest yourselves. Thank you)
Alice rang the bell of the mansion and before they knew it Mrs. Evelyn opened the door.
"Oh my God! What happened to you?" Mrs. Evelyn exclaimed and quickly assisted Alice in getting him to the most comfortable couch.
"Clara! Get the first aid box!" Mrs. Evelyn called one of the maids. Alice then stood by side. Just then Oliver's mom came down the stairs and saw Oliver.
"Who did this to my baby?" His mom spoke angrily.
"It was my..." before Alice could finish Oliver quickly explained.
"It's nothing mom, I got into a fight with some guys over basketball and things got messy cause I didn't take the fight seriously." Well that was obviously a lie though but he had to because he didn't want Alice to take the blame.
"You call this nothing? See how hurt you are. Am calling the principal right now." When Oliver heard that , he quickly tried to stop his mom.
"No no no! Mom don't call. I told you it's my fault. I started the fight, so you'll just be putting me in trouble instead."

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