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"It is your fault! If you didn't fall for him, you won't stand there stupidly and let him taunt you. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I know I've hurt you, but I am hurt too..."

" are hurt, why?"

"Why don't we forget that I said that, okay?"

"I'm not forgetting that, I want to know why you are hurt."

"I'm not hurt, I am okay."

"But you said so yourself. So tell me," she spoke softly.

"Forget it."


Alice yelled loudly.

"You are always hiding your feelings from me ever since the day I told you I had feelings for Victor. Is your hatred for him so much to put a distance between us? I thought we were friends, my only true friend."

She had said what she had in her heart, but that had caused turmoil in Oliver's mind.

"No! No! I am sorry, don't think like that, I'm just upset. I am sorry, really sorry, there's nothing wrong with our friendship. You mean wor... A single mistake from you can't destroy our friendship. I care about you, and I am not hiding anything from you. It's just that I never thought you would fall for that bastard, and I was hurt by that, but don't worry okay cause you'll always be my friend." Oliver was out of breath as he quickly explained himself to her. He thought he was going to lose her, and he couldn't afford that.

"Alice! come here," he requested, spreading his arms. Alice was happy and quickly hugged him.

"You are the best." she said and that had calmed Oliver's racing heart. With that, they left for class.

During the break, they ate lunch together and spoke a lot. Veronica and Victor didn't dare bully Alice that day again. Oliver was with her throughout the day. Their bond strengthened again, and they were inseparable. Veronica, who had a crush on Oliver, kept eating vinegar. "Oliver is really into that girl, huh?" Rachel, Veronica's friend, spoke.

"Are you trying to add salt to my wounds?" Veronica asked.

"Just forget him, Victor is all over you, just forget Oliver and be with Victor."

"And besides, he's hot," Veronica could not believe her friend had just said that. She gave Rachel a weird kind of look that said ; 'what the f*ck?!'

"What?" Rachel asked nonchalantly.

"You fool! Why would I be with someone I don't like just because you think he's hot? He's just a dog I am gonna use to bully Alice," Veronica spoke hauntingly.

"Oh really?" Rachel asked sarcastically. "Would you please leave me alone if you have nothing good to say about my situation?" Veronica begged, frustrated by Rachel's stupid remarks.

"Oh, I have something to say about your situation - FORGET OLIVER OR DIE HERE dreaming about what you'll never have," Rachel spoke harshly.

In the evening, Alice was preparing to leave the school. She had a tough but nice day. She still wanted to know what changed between her and Oliver. She decided not to talk to him about it and find out herself. How she would find out? She had no idea.

Oliver told her he would walk her home, so she decided to wait after packing her things. She was in deep thought when someone tapped her shoulder, "Hey." It was Oliver with his face cold again. He was always like that, not wanting to show emotions. She used it, but he was so warm to her today after the confrontation they had. She wanted to tell him she had her terrible dream again, but talking about it was scary. It made her think of the fear she felt when someone was chasing her. '*Oh, she's lost pretty bad*,' Oliver thought.

He knew she wanted to tell him something, but he didn't try to ask because he wanted her to speak of her own accord. So instead of asking her anything again, he just picked up her bag, took her hands in his, and walked with her. He only realized how romantic that gesture was when they got to the school gate. Eyes were on them, and there was nothing he could do again than to just keep walking without letting go of her. '*Shit!*' He exclaimed in his mind.

He looked at her and saw her looking at their entwined hands, so he coughed a little to gain her attention. "Are you going to walk on your own or do you still want me to..." Before he could complete his sentence, she quickly pulled her hands out of his. She then looked into his eyes, trying to delve deeper into that complicated world of his. Not knowing that she was trying to figure him out, Oliver teased her, "Why are you looking at me? Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked her, raising his eyebrows. She was flustered, and her face was beet red like a tomato. To Oliver, she just looked angelic, her fair skin becoming red and her lips trying to speak, but there was nothing she could say.

As a girl, she was never kissed, and she never had a relationship with anyone. She only fell for Victor because he was the guy apart from Oliver that treated her with care. He made her believe he liked her, and she fell hard, only for her to have been tricked. They only wanted to mock her. No one wanted to associate with her because they felt she was below their standards. She had a poor family background and had no dad. Everyone saw her as nobody, a tool to have fun. So they bullied her. They said if it wasn't for her brains she wouldn't be in their school. She was only admitted because of the scholarship she got.

All that was reduced when Oliver came. He had a rich background, yet he wanted to talk to her. He told her she was a gem and shouldn't let anyone trample on her. He had other friends, but to him, they were just acquaintances. He said he didn't know why, but he just wanted to be her friend. She told him what people thought of her, yet he still was to be her friend. And from that day on, he became her friend and he began protecting her from bullies. "What are you thinking?" He flicked her forehead as he asked. "Thank you," she finally spoke. Oliver was surprised because he hadn't done anything to warrant her thanks. "For?" He asked with his eyebrows raised, he was used to doing that anytime he was curious. "Thank you for always protecting me," she replied to him. Oliver decided not to say anything and just continued to walk with her next to him. They were silent till they got to her house. "Take care, I'll see you tomorrow," Oliver said and left. She stared at his back and she was grateful, he understood her well and she didn't wish to lose him.

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