Chapter 17

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Bonnie sat outside meditating with everyone else but tears came down her face. "What's wrong?" Emilia asked her as they stayed while everyone else headed to bed. "Nothing is wrong. Well- I suppose everything is. I'm an Aunt now and I'm so happy. I love those babies in there. But Grams should be here and I took her away. It's my fault she's not here to see Morrigan's children." she said, eyes glistening with tears.

"But it was not on purpose. You made a mistake. And your Grandmother knew magic. She took the risks anyway."

"Because I asked her to."

"So you're still both to blame. It's okay to feel guilty about it. But you have to move on. Do better for them."

"I just wished they had a grandmother. I mean one that wasn't trying to kill them."

"But don't you see they have way more than that. I'm sure Grace or even my own mother would be willing to step into that role. Or any other Bennetts. The village has to have responsibilities. Everyone has their role. And sometimes it is the same as their title. Aunt or Grandmother. Mother or Father. But I think the point of this coven and its future is that the title is unnecessary. The love is there."

Over the next month, everyone tried to make their space in the family known. The children were rarely in their cribs. Which led to Lucky, the little thing she was, threatening everyone. Then they left the babies more alone. Bonnie was enjoying the final semester of her senior year and the fact that she never felt alone. Around the middle of the month, Lucy returned looking very friendly with the hybrid, Major. Some might even say overly friendly. The theory was only further proven when they announced they'd rented one of the only apartments in town togehter. "Is it a two bedroom?" Morrigan asked her cousin but didnt care to hear the answer.

The teenage Bennetts found themselves spending time at the Grill. "I love babies and all but they're kind of obsessed," Kayleigh said of all the adults. Time not spent with the babies was time spent talking about the babies.

"Oh I know. Mama even talks my ear off when we go back to our rooms," Ava said.

"Finally just a break," Emilia said with a sigh. Bonnie didn't think there was too much talking about her niece and nephew. She loved them and would happily talk abotu them all day. Caroline walked up to the table.

"Hello Bennetts, how are the little babies?" she asked and it led to a collective groan from Emilia, Kayleigh, and Ava. "What did I say?"

"The primas are a little babied out. We came here to be teenagers," Bonnie told her.

"So that means that you will all be down to come to the graduation party I'm throwing?"

"Wait I thought you were upset about graduation because Matt was being kind of a dick to you lately."

"We made up. A lot. And he asked me to prom. You're going right?" Bonnie frowned. she hadn't really thought about it.

"I don't think so."

"Of course we're going. I get to have an American Senior Prom. We're going and are going to be the best dressed. Sorry vampire buffy, Im sure you'll be a close third."

"think what you will. As long as you get Bonnie there, I don't care. Let me know if you guys want to go shopping together," she said as Matt came from the back of the house, "I see something I like."

"Bye Caroline!" Bonnie called out after her friend.

Back at the Castle, Naomi and Rosalinda were looking over the twins. They'd had entire medical charts made up for them. "Everything looks good. Hearing and eye sight for now," Naomi told her and she nodded.

"What about your resaech?" Morrigan asked, "find anything interesting?" Rosalinda wandered off with the babies while Morrigan sat down. She'd pretty much healed up but being a milk machine wasn't pain free.

"Nothing magic wise, no. But there is a lot to look through and it's not like I can call in help with other peolpe with different expertise so it will just take longer. Some learning to be done." Morrigan nodded in understanding.

"Okay. I trust you. I wanted to let you know I've talked to Niklaus and we agreed that your friend, Nicolas can move to the town." Naomi's jaw dropped open.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He's only the first. I think he'll fit in well here."

"I know he will. You won't regret this."

"I know." She had a vision in the last of her labor pains that turned into a euphoria. She saw a Mystic Falls Midsummer Festival. But it was open magic and it felt so safe. She saw dozens maybe even hundreds of witches living in Mystic Falls in harmony. Morrigan knew that vision would mean they had a lot of enemies to overcome. First on the smallest level was the elusive Stefan. Morrigan knew the next time she saw him, she'd attack first and ask questions later. The next would be the Mystic Falls Founders council. They had to be declawed if not completely eliminated. And lastly, any of Niki's endless list of enemies that would seek to destroy them in order to destroy him. But Morrigan just knew she was prepared.

That night, a blond woman in a cardigan and dress wandered the streets of Mystic Falls. She was drawn towards the Castle but not the actual home. Her destination was a shed. She broke the spell on the shed and snapped the neck of the vampire guarding it. Inside were two coffins. She opened the right one and pulled out the dagger. She cupped the gray face of the man inside, "Hello brother, how I've missed you." 

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