Chapter 15

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Marcel stayed for dinner then headed back home but not before giving his sire and Morrigan a warning. "I'll keep the Salvatore busy in New Orleans. None of the witches in my town will join him. I'll make sure of it," were Marcel's parting words as Klaus escorted him out of the house.

"There is nothing I can do to repay you for your forgiveness or for what you are doing for Morrigan and I. But if there is anything I can do, let me know," Klaus told his son honestly.

In New Orleans, Stefan had found himself frustrated. He'd been about to leave, not willing to be led on by these witches when one came up to him. "Mr. Salvatore," the young girl said in a more mature voice for her age.

"Yes?" he asked, a little impatiently.

"I have traveled a long way to find you," she said. He stopped and looked over at her.

"You're not one of them?" he asked her.

"No. These witches are allies with the vampires. They won't join your fight."

"I'm also a vampire why would you help me take down Klaus?"

"My reasons are my own. Do you care for them more than your revenge?" she asked and Stefan knew the answer.

"So what do you suggest?"

"We must get her. His pregnant lover. Before she births the abomination," The young girl said. Stefan shook his head.

"I've tried that. Bad idea. It's what got my brother killed. And now there's an influx of witches." There was a sound that released from the girl. Half way between a scoff and a laugh.

"She's built a coven? Smarter than I thought. I must prepare. But we will be ready. You have found yourself an ally, Mr. Salvatore."

At Mystic Falls High School, the four teenage witches made their way through the halls together. Bonnie was very happy to be with her family. They had a lot in common and she hoped they'd stay for a while. Bonnie stopped walking with them so she could go by her locker and grab a couple things she needed. Caroline and Elena approached her, clearly waiting for her to be alone. Bonnie could feel them staring at her. But she didn't let the outwardly affect her. She turned with a wide smile. "Hey Caroline, what's up?"

"What's up with me? What's up with you? The last four times I called you to hang out you turned me down," Caroline said and Bonnie tried hard not to roll her eyes.

"Well the last time, I was in the middle of a yoga class."

"Since when are there yoga classes in Mystic Falls?" Elena asked and Bonnie ignored her.

"So I'm sorry I was busy. But if I'm not busy I would be willing to hang out with you," she told Caroline honestly. It wasn't Caroline's fault she barely had any backbone when it came to Elena. Bonnie knew she also had her times when she was that way.

"So you're just not going to talk to me?" Bonnie sighed and looked to Elena.

"What do you want? You do not want to be my friend. You want to control me. You want Stefan to control me. You went after my sister. I know you did. And I will never forgive you for that. Is this the chat you wanted to have?" she asked Elena.

"Six months ago, you didn't even care if Morrigan lived or died!" Elena shouted at her.

"Oh fuck you, dopplepussy. I wasn't close to my sister but I damn sure cared about her. You don't get to say anything to me about my relationship with my sister. It is none of your fucking business. You have no idea how many memories I have with Morrigan. How many times we were there for each other as children. How many times she held me as I cried after our mother left and my father started being cold with me. And what's worse is you don't even care. you went after innocent children. Babies. So dismiss me with that shit. And Caroline if you-"

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