Chapter 14

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The more time that passed and they didn't hear anything from Bonnie's old friends, the more panicked Morrigan got. Niklaus told her that she had nothing to worry about but she didn't really believe him. She went with her gut. So it wasn't a complete surprise when she saw someone from Niki's memories in their town centre. It was Marcellus. She just knew it. He was very handsome and in modern clothes but it was definitely him. She was headed back from getting some lunch for everyone from the Grill.

"Stop the car," she said and they did. She got out and had a tough time but made it out. Bonnie got out quickly after her.

"Morrigan, what are you doing?" Bonnie asked as she walked to the guy.

"Marcellus, right?" Morrigan asked. He looked confused and looked down at her very large stomach. She was seconds away from having the babies.

"Do we know each other?" the man asked her.

"Not exactly. I'm Morrigan Bennett, I'm marrying your father," she said and held out her hand. He shook it.

"Haven't thought of Klaus as my father in a very long time."

"Well that's unfortunate but I'll let you know he's done more for you than my own father has ever done for me."

"And you know this because..."

"I have your sire's memories living in my head. All of them. Because of the type of witch that I am. I can also feel your feelings about him. If those aren't normal feelings about a problematic father, I don't know what would be. What brings you to town?"

"Have you seen my sire?"

"Of course. Would you like to ride with us back to the house?"


They got to the house and Nik wasn't there yet. Everyone unpacked the car. Marcel looked at the place. "You can't be that woman," he said when he looked around.

"The one he told you about after you saw the painting of our home?" she asked him knowingly.

"He'd paint it over and over and over again. Sometimes adding a farm or a pear orchard or a strawberry grove." He said as he turned in circles, trying to take everything in.

"We used to eat wild strawberries where they grew in our home."

"But that would make you over a thousand years old."

"Or a time traveler," she said with a smirk as they walked in.

He looked around and he seemed amazed. Especially at the things floating everywhere. "I've never- time travel doesn't-"

"There are a lot of impossibilities that exist, Marcellus."

"I go by Marcel now."

"My apologies, Marcel. Would you like some tea?"

"You don't even know why i'm here yet you're letting me in your home and offering me tea?" Morrigan shrugged as she moved to the sitting room. Bonnie helped her sit down wordlessly then walked off.

"Why not? I'm a powerful witch with the Original Hybrid as my fiance and surrounded by both witches and wolves. If you want to hurt me, you'd have a hard time of it. I suspect you are here for reasons even unknown to you. I know why you were brought here but I know you will do only what you want. No one manipulates you. It's something you have in common with him."

"So you know I might have alternative motives and you're still inviting me in?"

"Well I don't just know about you because I have Niki's memories. I know about you because he talks about you. He thought you were dead. Or that you hated him."

They were sitting when the witches wandered in. Kasey, Kyra, Kayleigh, Leslie, and Diana who had gone out shopping with each other. "Who is this?" Kyra asked. Morrigan struggled to stand and Marcel actually moved to help her.

"Thank you," She told him with a bright smile before turning to the others, "Everyone, this is Niki's adopted son, Marcel. Marcel, these are my cousins Diana, Kyra, Kasey, Kayleigh, and Leslie." He shook their hands.

"Does he know you're here?" Diana asked.

"No but from the car that just pulled up, he might find out." Marcel gave them all a panty dropping smirk that Kayleigh swooned at. But the older witches knew better.

They all turned to see Klaus come into the house. He looked to see Marcel and seemed to stop. Then he cleared his throat. "Marcellus." He seemed slightly confused.


"I'm hungry. Maybe I'll convince Lucky to make me a cheesecake." Morrigan said then shepherded her cousins out of the room. She looked at Nik and walked to him. She leaned into his ear. "Give him a chance. For both your sake's." She kissed his cheek then walked off.

"So that's your Morrigan? The one you used to sketch all the time. The one you made the paintings of this home for."

"Yes. I didn't know it but she was from this time. She disappeared the night she agreed to marry me. But she appeared again the night I became the Hybrid. Where have you been?" he asked his son as he sat down, suspicion in his tone. Marcel didn't seem bothered by it. He knew Klaus well. He just smirked and sat opposite of him.

"I never left my home."

"I never went back. I didn't want to remember what I did. I am not proud." Marcel was stunned into silence, "What brings you here?"

"A vampire named Stefan Salvatore came to New Orleans. He was looking for witches willing to go up against you. I may have convinced him that I had a score to settle against you. For leaving me for dead." He admitted freely.

"And do you?"

"I thought I did but then I saw her and I saw you so no, I don't think so."

The two spoke for hours. The sun dropped from the sky and Morrigan wandered, or rather waddled, into the room. "Marcel will you be joining us for dinner?"

"I mean is it a special occasion? you have a lot of people visiting."

"Not visiting. Niki may not be different from when you knew him but his life definitely is. We live with my family. Kind of like the old days. A village. Just more contained." she said with an easy going smile and a slight British accent.

"I-" he started to say but looked to Klaus.

"You may stay if you want. Add some male energy. I'm surrounded by women. Rebekah included."

"She's here?"

"I don't know if she'll be at dinner but she's around," Morrigan answered.

"I'd love to join you. What are we eating?"

"My cousins Grace and Rosalinda usually cook the food. And Lucky of course. The last two nights its been Caribbean food. Grace owns a restaurant in Belize."

"Well then I am definitely down," he said with a large smile as they went into the dining room. 

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