when i have her on my mind

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chapter eleven ,, when i have her on my mind

          Rory Campbell woke up at six in the morning just to get ready to see Eli. She could barely sleep out of nerves, every single time she closed her eyes she was surrounded by the engulfing feeling of nerves. Elijah Hewson made Rory more anxious than anyone else had ever before, and it stressed her out. She spent her nights thinking about him and her walks listening to Inhaler repeatedly whilst also thinking about him. Eli was all that was on the blondes mind half the time, and knowing she were going to see him the next day had not caused her peace in her sleep.

So she woke up and got ready early, hoping it would distract her from any underlying thoughts crossing her mind. It hadn't however, her thoughts about Eli turned into her mind criticising every aspect about her once again. It drove the blonde crazy knowing she could neither escape these thoughts ever or think of herself as pretty, no matter how many people complimented her and told her she was pretty, Lorelai never felt it. The constant hatred towards herself followed her like a black dog in the shadows, latching onto her for every breath she took. 

It was now eleven in the morning, and Eli was supposed to come round at twelve. It was needless to say that Rory felt exhausted, but she wouldn't have been able to sleep either way.

She was already fully prepared. Hair straightened perfectly, make up done, grey baggy jeans and a baby pink long sleeved top, a black shoulder bag and pink spezials. Rory Campbell sat infront of her door waiting for the time to switch to twelve. The blonde had been since eight. She'd catch herself constantly checking the time every second, feeling disappointed seeing that it hadn't changed much or at all. 

She planned everything for that day over night, planning on everything she was going to say and everywhere she was going to take him to. Rory wanted it to be perfect, she wanted to make him feel happy and comfortable. 

It was eleven fifteen when the door was knocked upon, and Rory instantly stood up and opened it. It felt as if her breath was held until she opened that door, she felt more relaxed noticing Eli was standing right behind it.

"Eli." Rory breathed out, not knowing why she suddenly felt so awkward and nervous.

"Rory." He did the same, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "Um . . . I know I'm a bit early. I just couldn't sleep . . . I guess. So I just thought I'd come here, sorry for not like calling or anything it was quite a stupid decisio-" The boy rambled nervously, but was cut off by Rory. The truth was he felt the exact same.

He couldn't sleep all night because he was too busy thinking of Rory. 

"Honestly it's alright Eli. Don't stress. I was ready anyway." Rory smiled nervously, picking at her fingers. Neither had pulled the other into a hug, it was quite unlikely for them not to. But both of them felt too nervous, they had never felt this nervous around one another before. 

"Oh." He said, looking anywhere but Rory. He didn't know where the sudden quietness came from him, normally when he was around the blonde he'd feel more excited to talk to her, now all he felt was anxious. It felt as if he were a teenage boy again. "Should we go?" He asked, pointing behind him with his thumb.

"Oh yeah course." Rory stated quickly. She walked out of her apartment and closed the door behind her, leading Eli down the stairs and back outside. "Did you walk here?" 

"Yeah, it wasn't that far from the hotel." Elijah said. The two walked down the street, further apart than they would normally walk with eachother. They were engulfed with nerves, fear that they would do or say anything wrong. It didn't make sense to them either, why they were so apprehensive all of a sudden. The tense silence overpowered them both, Elijah following Rory like a puppy in every step they took. Elijah wanted to do nothing more than be near her, to just build up the courage to hold her hand or wrap his arm around her shoulders. Yet he felt too unsure, too nervous that maybe it would set Rory off the edge and make her feel uncomfortable.

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