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I've been hiding behind a big tree, watching the campfire, for a little while now. 

 I secretly followed some classmates to the campfire because I wanted to see if William was really going to burn my things. Boy, do I regret coming here now...

 When William threw my favorite cuddly toy, Mr. Teddy, into the fire, tears flowed down my cheeks. That bear had been a present from my dad for my third birthday. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of other things left from him, because he has been dead for over four years now, and now Mr. Teddy is also gone. 

I look at the campfire with pain in my heart. Thinking about the Teddy Bear burning just makes me want to scream, but then something catches my eye, and I abruptly stop crying; something is happening.

 I see Finn walking towards William with long strides, and he looks fed up. I hold my breath in fear; I didn't even know that Finn was here. 

"HEY!" Finn's voice pierces the air, causing my heart to lurch in my chest. William spins around, his face a mask of surprise. They start to engage in a somewhat heated conversation, their voices blending with the crackling of the fire. I can't hear what they are saying, but I see Finn pointing to the burning campfire.

I slowly let myself out from behind the tree. I want to see more from this. I try to push myself through the crowd to get in front. 

"Sorry-" "Sorry," I say when I gently push people aside. 

Just when I am finally close enough to hear them, everything happens very quickly. 

Finn rolls up his sleeves when he says: "It doesn't matter what she is to me, but one thing is certain, I am definitely NOT your friend." 

And before I know what's happening, he punches William hard. 

Full in his face.

 On the nose.

 Finn must have punched William really good because I hear cartilage cracking. What a horrible sound. 

Everyone around me is collectively holding their breath. This is unique. A fight like this almost rarely takes place at such a strict private school like this.

A few seconds ago, there had been a lot of noise; now it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. We all stand in silence, expectantly looking at Finn and William, anxious for what will follow.

 If Finn had hit every other guy, it would have been fine. But William? No. Not William. You dont punch William. Everyone here knows that that will be the end of you. 

William is currently standing with his head bowed down, breathing deeply in and out. Blood drips from his nose onto the ground in a growing red puddle. William then slowly lifts his head, his whole face covered in blood.

"You motherfucker'' He says slowly. "You motherfucker''  While cracking his knuckles, he whispers: "I will fucking end you."

But before William gets the chance to hit Finn back, he receives another punch from Finn, and another, and another. Wow. 

 Within a few seconds, they are on the ground, fighting rough. 

Some people start to shout: cheering them on, others scream. I stand totally frozen, paralyzed by fear. The idea of William hurting Finn breaks my heart. Fortunately, Finn is currently lying on top of William and he repeatedly punches him in the face, but this can also turn around in no time.

 I need to stop them. Without further thinking, I break away from the crowd and run towards them.

"STOP," I shout, but I get no reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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