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I skip the dessert, I know it will only make me feel bad, sitting there, trying to hold back my tears... They already run down my face before I even open the cafeteria doors. I don't really know why I am crying. 

 Feeling defeated, I sit down on the floor against the wall. 

I pull up my sleeve and rub over the cuts. They always are very itchy.

 I don't care that I am sitting in the big hallway and people could possibly see me. Everyone is having dinner right now anyway. I start crying more heavily, look up, and stare at the ceiling, while the tears run over my cheeks. I have zero intention of stopping them. I close my eyes and bite my lip. After a while, I slowly stop crying and I stand up. 

I walk through the school with very little energy. Maybe some fresh air will do me good. I open the big doors that lead to the garden. Immediately I feel a strong cold wind pick up my hair. I shiver, it is cold outside, but it is a good kind of cold you know? The one that makes you feel alive. 

I walk towards a massive old oak. I sink down and try to sit against it.  Hmmm. It is not the most comfortable, but it will do. 

The school garden is very pleasing to look at. Plenteous big trees and lovely flowers. It is a cold but crystal clear night. The starry sky is wide open for me to see. I take my pocket knife and start to carve some figures in the tree. 

For a little while, I listen to the sound that the winds make. If you listen closely, it kind of sounds like a song. I start humming with the wind, it reminds me of a tune from when I was younger. After a while, I start to sing the words out loud. In the dead silence from outside, the words sound very loud. 

Suddenly I feel a gust of wind very close to me. A white T-shirt flutters down from one of the open second-floor windows. It lands right behind me on the ground. 

''Ah, shit'' 

The voice comes from a shadow hanging from the window in question. It is probably their shirt. 

Quickly I crawl behind the oak, nobody has to know that I sit here. The person disappears from the window frame. Relieved, I go sit back down in the same place I was before. I close my eyes and listen to the wind again. 

''Belle'' A voice startles me.

 A bit annoyed I open my eyes, I want to be alone. 

''Finn?'' My voice sounds unsure.

 The boy from the cafeteria is standing in front of me. In sweatpants. Without... a shirt 

 ''Aren't you cold here'' he asks.

 ''Yeah, you're one to talk..'' I reply, referring to the fact that he is missing a very important part of his clothes. I realize now that my answer came out a bit blunt, but I meant well. 

'' Oh yeah, That is what I came for'' he says as he bends down to pick up the white shirt from the ground.  I guess it was him who I saw in the window losing his shirt just now.  Finn puts on his shirt and when he is finished he just stares at me. I am still sitting against the oak.

 ''Erm, what are you doing here'' he then asks.

 Yeah, what ám I doing here? I wonder that myself now too. 

I don't know how to answer him. Finn just keeps on staring at me and then suddenly he sits down too.

 Against the oak. 

Next to me. 


''You know that there are red ants here'' I say with a serious voice. Finn looks at me surprised and immediately jumps up. ''What! Where!?'' he wipes his pants and shirt hastily. 

A close call to midnightWhere stories live. Discover now