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I almost have a heart attack when I enter my room after class. 

"Hello Belle, I could not help but notice that you have found yourself a new lunch buddy in the canteen." 

The voice saying that belongs to William, he is standing in front of my window.


How did he get into my room? Immediately I feel fear spreading all over me. William smiles at me, showing his crooked teeth. I shiver. 

"Well, don't just stand there; say something, darling," He laughs.

 I think back to entering my dorm. Nobody had been there. Where are all my roommates? Did nobody stop William from entering my room? Boys are not allowed inside the girl's dorms. 

"What's the name of your new lunch buddy?" William asks me then. 

What is he talking about? Lunch buddy? Is he referring to the 3 minutes I spent talking to Finn in the cafeteria? 

William is getting angry that I am not responding, and he takes a big step closer to me. Automatically, I take a step back, pushing myself into the wall. 

"What are you talking about" My voice cracks while saying that.

 "You thought you could just go around making friends here and there and that I wouldn't notice?"' Every time William speaks, I get goosebumps all over my arms. 

"What do you want?" I ask. 

"I just want to have a nice chat with you; come sit here," 

William points to the green armchair in the corner. I anxiously follow his order. William sits opposite me. He takes a cookie from the bowl on my table and starts eating it very slowly; he doesn't break eye contact with me the whole time.

 You know, Belle, I was just thinking of a life where I would like you...." 

Before he finishes the sentence, he slaps himself on his knees, laughing: 

"That would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?" His laugh pains my ear. 

"I was watching you a little over these past few days, and I noticed you having a pretty nice time during the eating hours." 

What does he mean? He has been watching me. What a creep. I seriously thought that they decided to let go of the bullying a little after destroying my cellphone. 

Turns out I thought wrong. 

"I can't allow you to have fun because then it looks like you have forgotten that nobody here likes you." 

William takes another cookie from the bowl. 

"Yeah, maybe that newbie is talking to you right now, but you and I both know that won't last long. He is new. I can't blame him for that, but soon he will understand how it works here. I guarantee you that." 

Oh crap, Finn is probably waiting right now for me in front of the library... I look at the clock; it is 4:10 right now. I hope he is a bit late; maybe I can still make it in time. I don't know what William wants, but I hope it does not take too long... 

"Belle, have you forgotten about last year..." William asks. I shrug at him. I blocked most of it from my memories if that's what he meant. 

"You really think that Finn guy wants to be your friend? How can that be when no one here likes you" 

William hurts my feelings now. Honestly, I am waiting for the moment Finn stops talking to me. 

"I think your brain got a little foggy there, Belle. Let me help you refresh your memory," 

A close call to midnightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora