57 2 6

August 2022
         Barcelona, Spain.

"Let's go Dais." I give her a gentle nudge in her lower stomach which she responds to by pulling on faster.
"Yes Daisy yess!"
The horse has recently got back in shape and getting professional treatment. It's my first ride with her since the last time with my mom and she's doing beyond great which makes me really happy.

I stroke her head stupidly losing all my balance and end on the floor harshly. Fuck that hurts
"Oh no." I stare down at my slit open wrist. "This can be good." I whisper to myself as the blood starts pouring out. "Daisy hey! We need to go back!" I yell to the brown horse who is too distracted and doesn't notice my sudden absence. She comes back running to me. Thank god we aren't that far from the stables so the walk back is short.

"Dios mío, querida, are you alright?" The new caretaker, Melina immediately notices my hand. "Si si. I got very distracted and fell." I chuckle embarrassed. "Happens to the best of us don't worry let's get you cleaned up" she leads me to a small house by the stall. It's filled with the smell of fresh bakes and light that escape in through the tiny windows on the walls.
"Something about this house reminds me of my childhood." I continue looking around. It's warm.
"Si i know what you mean." She reaches to a top cabinet and grabs a solution and band aides along with cotton.
"Here take a seat." She grabs a stool and i do as told. "Take a deep breath this might hurt a bit." She warns me. "Just go for it."I close my eyes shut as i feel a terrible sting on my wirst. "Ouf that really is awful." I breathe out.
"Don't worry you're all good again." She taps in the band aide making sure it's secure. "But i suggest you get this checked looks a bit serious might need to sew it."
"Oh no it's fine i've had worse." I take a look down on my wrist and notice how the band aide has a small horse on it. It looks just like Daisy.
"Well this definitely is a trip down memory lane." I smile.

The rest of the day is spent home. I decided to take advantage of the bright sun today and tan outside by the pool. "Miles, swim?" I grab my dog's attention as he immediately responds by running outside. I chuckle and grab my oils already in my bikini. I lay my towel on the tanning bed and rest on my stomach as I hear Miles swimming around.

I don't know how long i stay there but I wake up to my dog's licks all over my face. "God I've been here forever." I finally feel the heat on my back. I get up slowly and head inside to take a look at the results.
"What do we think M?" I look down to my dog with my back facing the mirror. He just lets out a short bark.
"Yea i think i like it too." I hop in the shower to regulate my fire body temperature. I wrap a towel around me and walk back inside my bedroom and take a seat on the couch in the corner of the room where my phone has been laying for the past couple of hours.
I'm not usually someone who's that attached to their phone or social media. I post regularly but not constantly just after a race week and when my pr team asks me to. Other than that just texting and answering phone calls.
I scan through the recent notifications but one in particular makes me stop.

Pablo Gavi
-are you coming tonight?

This question has been lingering in my head for quite a while now. Today is supposedly Gavis birthday which he's celebrating in one of Barcelona's clubs. He had invited me back in Monaco when i dropped him off at his hotel and insisted on me coming. But i figured it was just another nice gesture. Seeing this text now however, raises questions.
He actually wants me to come?
I decide not to answer for the moment until I make up my mind. It's still 4pm anyways I still have a few more hours until i make a decision. I change into my pjs and go to the simulator room to have some practice for absolutely nothing.

A few hours later I take a glance at the clock. It's currently 6:30. I lay My head back on the chair as my gaze fixate on the ceiling.
God I'm bored.
I get out of the bed. Put on a top and jean shorts. Grab my air forces and Miles' leash and go for a walk by the beach.
I love walks. I love the views I'm met with on the way and the people i interact with. Sometimes i get stoped many times for my liking. But most of the time i get to meet great people. Being a F2 driver doesn't put you out nearly in the spot light as a f1 driver. Many don't even recognize it as a competitive level. However, I'm the only girl who made it this far in the sport. I'm always seen with the Leclerc family especially Charles. My uncle is Jules Bianchi. That for sure shoves me a bit closer to the spot light.

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