xii. lacy.

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chapter twelve.
sabrina's pov ☕️
( the beach ! )

SINCE BRADY had told me his efforts to get Kendra to meet him at the beach had worked, I was stalking her Instagram

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SINCE BRADY had told me his efforts to get Kendra to meet him at the beach had worked, I was stalking her Instagram... obviously.

Let's be real, of course I was gonna do this. I've already memorized every post. She's gorgeous. No wonder he was into her.

"Hey, knock it off." Kalani scolds. "Kendra has nothing on you. I know you're comparing yourself to her right now, so quit. Go meet up with them and show her you're unbothered and better than her."

I smile softly at her. "Thanks, K... oh, also, Brady said Connor's waiting for you at the pier...?"

She furrows her eyebrows. "The pier? That's odd, we usually only meet there if— i mean... huh, weird! I never meet connor anywhere. I guess I'll go find the... the loser, then. Bye!"

Yep there's indefinitely something going on there. No doubt about it.

I grab my things after Kalani leaves and head to the beach, since that's where we'd agreed to meet.

When I show up, Kendra's all over Brady. She's hanging on his arm and laughing at something he said, even though he's giving her a bored look.

I walk over, and her face drops when she sees me. Her eyes look me over with slight disgust in them.

"This was my replacement? Really, Brady? She looks exactly like me." Kendra says dryly, and brady opens his mouth to defend me, but I speak up first.

"I'm not a replacement. And even if I was, I'm an upgrade from you anyways. Embarrassing that you're gonna leave and then come back when he has money and fame." I scoff.

Kendra laughs as I talk. "You wish you weren't a replacement. Brady was seeking a rebound when he met you."

Brady let's out an exasperated sigh as he rolls his eyes dramatically. "How manny damn times do I have to say that she's not a replacement for you to get it into your head? I've been over you for like 3 months, Kendra. Can you get a life?"

Kendra flips her hair behind her shoulder as she glares at me.

"Brady, don't be silly. You know you want a second chance with me, and I'm willing to give you one if you just stop this... girl." Kendra says girl as if it's venomous.

"No fucking shot." Brady scoffs. "Sabrina's worth more than you ever will be to me, and you need to get that into your thick skull. You had your damn chance, you blew it, and i don't want you anymore, nor will I ever. Now would you like me to continue telling you off or do you think it's Sab's turn?"

Kendra looks at brady wordlessly, and I decide to take over.

"Just because we're both blonde doesn't mean I'm a replacement, by the way. If he wanted a replacement, he would've gone for someone with an even shittier personality than you. I may be new to his life, but I can already tell you are the reason you lost him. I'm not sure what idiot has to be dumb enough to fumble Brady Noon, but obviously it wasn't difficult for you." I say angrily, and Brady just watches me with an amused look on his face. "If you haven't noticed, he's wrapped around my damn finger, so I'd stop while you're ahead and just leave the both of us alone."

Kendra rolls her eyes at me. "You can tell me off all you want, but when you're alone you'll always be thinking about how he chose me first. How I was his first love, and how you have to live up to that. When you're trying to go to sleep you'll remember I came first, and that you're a lousy second."

Brady makes eye contact with me and mouths she's crazy. I snort in laughter, and he smirks slightly.

Kendra looks between the two of us, unsure of what I'm finding funny, so she just rolls her eyes... again, and storms off.

When she's far enough away, brady starts practically cackling at what just happened, and he walks to my side, placing his hand on my shoulder for slight support as he laughs.

"It wasn't that funny." I mutter, and he stops laughing.

"Well you're just a bundle of joy, aren't you Sab?" He says sarcastically, and I make a scrunched up face at him.

"Kill yourself." I argue, and he shrugs.

"If I do you're goin' in the note."

My jaw drops, and I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug.

"If you even think about it, I'm gonna slap the shit outta you. I'm too pretty to be sad about your death." I joke, and he scoffs in laughter. "I'm kidding. But seriously, please don't. I wouldn't survive that."

"Chill, Sab. I'm not gonna." He comforts. "I was just feeding off your joke. Plus, I'm too pretty to die yet."

"Your fangirls would be devastated!" I gasp dramatically, and he smiles at me.

"You wanna hangout for a little?" He asks me, and I shrug.

"Spying on Kalani and Connor could be fun?" I suggest, and he raises his eyebrows in a shocked manner.

"Spying on my brother? I could nev— who am I kidding?" He smirks. "where are they?"

"The pier." I tell him, sprinting in the direction of the pier.

"Sab! Wait up!" He shouts, chasing me in the direction of the pier.

Since the pier isn't far from the beach, we just take our time walking over there. Spending time with Brady is nice, especially when we're alone. Not that we're doing anything that warrants us needing to be alone...

When we reach the pier, we search for them for a while, before I see the pair sitting on the edge of the dock together. Kalani's head is resting on his shoulder, and his arm is around her waist. They're cute together.

"Brady, look." I point to them, and his jaw drops.

"I knew something was going on there!" He whisper-shouts, and we make the executive decision to leave them alone for now, since they seem peaceful.

What an afternoon this was...

What an afternoon this was

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I didn't know how to end the chapter but... here we are 🌝.

thanks so much for reading!! this fic is coming to a close pretty soon, I'm not sure if it'll have exactly 15 chapters but something around there fs!!

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