v. hangout

401 18 13

chapter five.
sabrina's pov ☕️
( the secret spot ! )

"BRADY! QUIT walking so fast, I can't keep up with that shit!" I shout, and he laughs as he speeds up

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"BRADY! QUIT walking so fast, I can't keep up with that shit!" I shout, and he laughs as he speeds up.

I speed up too, now pretty close behind him. I don't walk through forests often, so the uneven ground is a little difficult to speed walk on.

When we reach the spot he was speaking of, he stops. My jaw drops at the sight. There's a small, man-made lake, and perfectly set up longs for sitting on, I assume. It's a really pretty view, and I turn to look at him.

"Brady, this is amazing." I gasp, and he smiles.

"Yeah, it is. I've always loved coming here." He says softly.

He sits down on one of the log, patting the spot next to him for me to join him. I sit down next to him, and we don't talk for a little while, enjoying the silence. The only sounds we can hear are the sounds of the leaves blowing with the slight breeze, and the water trickling.

After a few minutes, he speaks up. "I wanna get to know you."

My eyebrows raise in slight shock. "Uh— okay, then. What do you wanna know?"

He thinks for a second before answering. "What's your favorite color?"

"I love baby blue. Or I guess it's pastel blue? I'm not sure." I reply, and he smiles.

"You don't know your favorite color?" He teases, and I roll my eyes as a smile creeps onto my lips.

"You know what I mean." I laugh, and he nods.

Thankfully there isn't too much wind, or my hair would get extremely messed up. For it being summer, Brady's wearing a surprising amount of layers. Despite it being 80 degrees, he's wearing a sweatshirt with some baggy pants. He looks good, but it's just surprising.

I feel a little iffy about my own outfit now, since I'm in a random pair of black shorts and a white crop top.

"Okay... what's your favorite drink?" He asks.

"Easy, Mountain Dew. I know it's like... really bad for my health, but I don't drink it every day or anything. Just occasionally." I explain. "What's yours?"

"The vanilla latte you make me." He responds, and I smile.

"Aww, really? That's adorable." I say softly, "the real question is, does it taste different when I make it?"

He nods. "Yeah, I honestly think it's better."

I do a silent cheer, pumping my fist in the air. He laughs at my celebration.

"Do you enjoy working there?" He asks, and I shrug.

"Sometimes. Some costumers are assholes, but for the most part I like it." I answer. "I mean, I have some friends there. And I met you, so it's not all bad."

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