Chapter 21

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What ??? No that can't be true.this girl has lied to you. Malika can never do such thing. She is manipulating you. Because she has got to know that your family is planning to get you along with malika.  So that's why first she tried to kill her. And when nothing happened to malika "then she planned to fill your ears against her . So that you start hating malika and don't marry her. Hearing grandma anika widen her eyes and look at her shockingly.  She can't believe she could think such thing " when shivaay is already married to her. That's mean it was her plan all along to bring malika in this house. That's why she was treating her bad and always trashed her like garbage. How can she be dumb. Why didn't she understand her real motive. She gasp and  loosen her grip around Shivaay's arm which he didn't let her and held her hand on meantime looking at her.

What the hell grandma. You can't plan about my life without asking me. Why the hell I would  marry malika when I'm already married. Shivaay screams being equally baffled same as me.

Oh common shivaay. We all knows how much you liked  malika. That's why you always mingle around her and always liked her company. All the time that girl stayed in our house.  And you were happy with that as well. Infect you preferred her more than your wife. We all have seen it with our eyes. Grandma  stated scoffing folding her arms giving reality check to anika. Indeed he always wanted malika with him. Not even single day " he spent with  her properly "since they got married. All the time he was with malika. Even though if she got sick sometimes. Then Instead  preferring staying with her. He always ran back to malika  and never cared about uer. She was his wife. But namesake "whom he  had kept with him to show to world. But in actually she was nothing but  a person who stays with him and still stranger to him. 

I was an idiot ok. That girl was blinding me in the shape of friendship.  She was manipulating me. That's why I was with her thinking she is my best friend. But now I've got to know. She is nothing but a snake. Who  was back biting me all the time.  Listen grandma. Get this thing out of your head that I'll marry malika. I would never do that. It will be better for you. If you accept anika as my  wife. Otherwise you will lose me as well. Saying this he grasp his wife's hand and dragged her inside who didn't utter a single word And let him lead her wherever  he wants. After all if she asked something then he won't listen and will do what his heart says. 

In room "!

He brought her there and   Started walking back and forth leaving her  hand.

How can grandma think that I would marry malika. How can she plan about my life without my permission. He says being hell pissed with grandma for being such controlling towards his life. Here he is trying to make things fine between him and Anika. And there she is planning to set her with bloody malika who is nothing but a murderer.  

Anika  so wanna scream and wanna give him reality check that It's all happening because of him.  He is the only one " who gave chance to people to interfere in their lives.  If today his grandma is planning to make him marry with malika. Then it's his fault.  As before few days only he was wondering  around her. And wasn't giving single shit to his wife " who was  drowning in sorrow and countless pain. She knows it's  bitter reality for him. But he is the main culprit. Not anyone else.  She remembers how he always compared her with malika and wished if she would had been his wife. He never  cared"  how much it would be hurting her seeing her husband praising another woman infront of her and  desiring to Marry her. 

I'm sorry for everything Anns.  You alright right ??? You  look so pale.he ask taking his wife's face in his palm caressing her cheeks. Anika  who was lost in her own thoughts she blink her eyes and look at him with stern gaze.

I'm fine. She kept her answer short without showing how much she is suffering inside. Second by second she is getting more vulnerable and weak.  But she don't wanna show him either. As she knows"  it won't care him at all.   If it would had " then he won't had brought her in this death hole on the first place.

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