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He groan in frustration "are you going to say something or-" she place her lips on his. Tae freeze and his eyes widened, a gasp left from Jennifer's mouth. Jin's eyes widened too. Tae push her harshly "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? OH MY BAD.... YOU AND YOUR MIND" he scoff sarcastically.

Y/N look at him in confusion "but I was just wishing you good luck." He close his eyes in frustration "SO THIS HOW ONE SHOULD SAY GOOD LUCK HUH." She flinch "b-but Jin oppa also wishing good luck to unnie like this." Tae look at Jin who look at other side while Jennifer look down with a red face. Taehyung curse under his breath "YOU" he point his finger to her "DON'T EVER DO THIS" with that he walks out in rage.

Y/N sniffs and wipe her tears with the back of her hand. Jin and Jennifer look at each other in guilt because unknowingly they are the reason behind her tears. Jennifer walk towards her and caress her head softly "Y/N darling don't cry... You are a good girl right?". Y/N nod her head slowly while sniffing. Jennifer smile and caress her face "so good girls don't cry... Now stop crying." Y/N wipe her tears cutely.

At office
Taehyung is trying his best to focus on his work but her teary eyes keep distracting him. He groan and lean back on the chair "damnit". He knows that whatever happened in the morning is not her fault but he can't hold his anger back then. He hesitantly call Jin, Jin answer the call after few rings.

On call
Jin - hello Tae
Tae - uh hello
Jin - everything alright?
Tae - uh yeah (scratch his neck) are kids fine?
Jin - kids? Yeah they are alright
Tae - uh yeah yeah.... (Close his eyes in frustration) a-and everyone else?
Jin - (smile) yeah Taehyung Y/N is fine... She is with Jennifer.
Tae - (gulp) w-why are you telling me this... I didn't ask you
Jin - (chuckle) yeah.... yeah...
Tae - (slightly panic) o-ok I'm busy

Cut the call

He lean on his seat and look at the view from glass wall. His mind drift to the morning incident. He still feel warmness of her soft lips tingle on his. Unknowingly he trace his lips with his finger but when he notice it. He immediately seat straight and curse himself.

At home
Jin is playing with Y/N and Elara, Jennifer smile at them while folding the clothes. Suddenly Liam started crying they all look at him. He crawl lightly towards his mother. Jennifer pick him in her arms and rock him softly while saying comforting words. She caress his small head and he calm down and stop crying. Y/N look at them closely with her innocent curious eyes. Elara ask her father while combing her doll's hair "dad how babies come." Jin look at her then at his wife who is enjoying his nervous face. He chuckle nervously while both Y/N and Elara looking at him in curiosity "princess... H-husband and wife d-do a magic spell and make babies."

Y/N and Liam eyes shine with this new information and they both nod while Jin sighs and Jennifer chuckle. He look at her and phew.

At night
Taehyung come back from the company. He
smile lightly when Elara run to him and hug his legs. He ruffle her hair and place a kiss on her head. Elara giggle when Tae give her the choclates. Y/N also run to him while giggling "my choclate?". He looks at her coldly but then give her choclate, she jump in excitement and hug him "thank you husband." Unknowingly his heart beats fastly, he push her and glare at her with that he walks to the bedroom.

After few minutes he comes to the living room for dinner. Jin and Jennifer smile at him, he nod his head. Jennifer is setting the table but Liam starts crying. Jennifer look at him in
concern and about to go him but Y/N pick him carefully. Jin and Jennifer gets shock, Tae look at her. She rock Liam softly in her arms and softly whisper soft words while caressing his head just like Jennifer were doing. Liam stop crying and fall asleep. They all get shock Taehyung too.

Y/N look at Taehyung with a grin "husband let's make babies."

to be continued~

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