Chapter 12 - The Special Night

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Anirudh hurried home, feeling the weight of the evening's importance pressing down on him. The traffic had delayed him, and his mind was racing with thoughts of Anika and the proposal he had planned. As he entered the house, he saw Anika's mother sitting in the living room, waiting.

"Anirudh, you look exhausted. Are you okay?" she asked, noticing his tired and anxious demeanor.

"I'm fine, aunty. I didn't sleep much last night," Anirudh admitted, running a hand through his hair. "But I'm more excited than tired."

Anika's mother nodded understandingly, not pressing further. Anirudh smiled at her before heading to his room to get ready. He quickly changed into a sleek black suit, carefully selecting the diamond ring he had bought for Anika a long time ago. As he looked at the ring, memories flooded back-happy moments, shared laughs, and the times they supported each other through thick and thin. Tonight was the night he would finally confess his feelings.

Stepping out of his room, he saw Anika standing by the kitchen, looking breathtaking in the red dress he had sent her. The dress hugged her figure perfectly, and the accessories complemented her look. She turned to him, a smile spreading across her face.

"Oh my god, Anirudh, you look so handsome," Anika said, her eyes sparkling.

Anirudh's heart skipped a beat. "And you, Anika, are the most beautiful woman in the world," he replied, his voice sincere.

They were about to leave when Anika's mother called out, "Anirudh, don't just stand there admiring her. You'll be late. Go get ready quickly."

Anirudh laughed, giving Anika a playful wink before hurrying to finish his preparations. Once ready, he walked back to the living room, taking in Anika's beauty one last time before they left. He wanted this night to be perfect.

"Shall we?" Anirudh asked, holding out his hand.

Anika took his hand, and together they walked to the car. Anirudh decided to drive, wanting this moment to be just for them. As they drove to the club, he played their favorite song


The music filled the car, creating a serene atmosphere. Anirudh kept glancing at Anika, who seemed lost in the music, a soft smile playing on her lips.

As they arrived at the club, Anirudh parked the car and helped Anika out, leading her inside. The club was dimly lit, with a cozy ambiance. Anika's eyes widened in surprise when she saw their friends gathered inside, waiting for them.

"Anirudh, did you plan all this?" Anika asked, turning to him with a look of pure delight.

He nodded, feeling a rush of happiness at seeing her so excited. "I wanted tonight to be special for you."

Anika hugged him tightly, then rushed to greet their friends. The room was filled with laughter and chatter as everyone caught up. Anirudh watched Anika from a distance, his heart swelling with love and anticipation. He knew the moment was drawing near.

Meanwhile, Anika was enjoying herself, reconnecting with old friends and making new memories. She noticed Anirudh speaking with his manager, showing him something discreetly. Curious, she walked over to them.

"What are you two up to?" she asked playfully.

Anirudh quickly pocketed the ring and smiled at her. "Just some business talk. Nothing to worry about."

Anika raised an eyebrow but decided to let it go. She pulled Anirudh and his manager into a group photo, capturing the moment. After the photo session, Anirudh's manager excused himself, leaving Anirudh and Anika alone for a moment.

"Anika, there's something I need to ask you," Anirudh began, his voice suddenly serious.

Before he could continue, the lights dimmed, and the DJ announced a slow dance. Couples began to pair off, and Anirudh saw this as the perfect opportunity. He took Anika's hand, leading her to the dance floor. As the soft melody of


filled the room, they started to dance.

"I found a love, for me," Anirudh sang softly along with the music. "Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead."

Anika looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and admiration. They danced slowly, their movements in sync, lost in each other's gaze. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in that moment.

"Anika," Anirudh whispered as the song neared its end, "you've been my best friend, my confidant, and my love. I can't imagine my life without you."

Anirudh reached into his pocket, feeling the cool metal of the ring he had been waiting so long to give Anika. His heart pounded with anticipation, the moment he had dreamed of finally within his grasp. Just as he was about to pull the ring out, his gaze drifted toward the entrance of the club. There, in the dim light, he saw a familiar face. His hand paused mid-motion as he tried to place where he knew this person from.

As he focused, the figure became clearer, and recognition hit him like a bolt of lightning. The shock of seeing this person here, now, of all times, made him feel uneasy and suspicious. Why were they here? What did they want?

Anirudh tried to shake off the feeling, telling himself it was just a coincidence. He took a deep breath, trying to refocus on the task at hand. The ring was still in his pocket, the moment was still perfect. He began to pull the ring out again, determined not to let anything ruin this special night.

But before he could fully retrieve the ring, Anika's eyes followed his line of sight. Her expression changed from joy to surprise. Without a word, she let go of Anirudh's hands and started running toward the entrance, toward the person standing there.

"Anika, wait!" Anirudh called out, but it was too late. She was already across the room, heading straight for the figure at the door. Anirudh's heart sank, and in his stunned state, the ring slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor with a soft clink.

He watched in disbelief as Anika reached the man and threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. Anirudh bent down to pick up the ring, his mind racing. Why did Anika react like this? He felt a knot form in his stomach, his mind a whirl of confusion and concern.

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