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"A pair of arms for broken soul is enough, because they need someone to cry on."



It had been three days of that incident, The revelation of truth, it kinda made the girl sad that they try to hide the truth of returning back of Jiye, it wasn't like she was really disappointed on them, it wasn't that case but, the disappointment was about Jiye, because everyone knew that what kind of she had a troll in her life, she was not a ordinary lady who came back to meet her beloved ones, she was Jungkook's ex, that label of her made the married girl disappointed because she had a past with her husband, a past which was now back and she was afraid of the upcoming hurdled in her life.

It was indeed a breakage for her fragile heart that her husband's ex was now back in her, in their life again, she could bare anything but lie, at the time when she got to know that Jiye was back, she felt that pain in her heart, that pain when she felt in the college times, a pain of not getting love from the one she loves, her husband. She can die for him, for to gain his love also, her love for him is eternal, that's why the pain of losing him and not getting love from him, pained her heart, she felt like thousands of needles perking her heart mercilessly because, she still labeled herself as his girlfriend, she didn't liked it when she called herself as his girlfriend because even being his wife, Jungkook still never acknowledged her.

That mere attention of acknowledgement, can spark her heart but it was polar opposite from the expectations she had in her heart, she only get hatred from him, hate and hate only, why even she deserved that? What she ever done to him? All she knew that she took good care of him which he profoundly smashed it with his foot, even being smashed, the lady never let the care of her husband vanished from her heart, the torture, the humiliation and what not of the violence terms she went through but still all she knew that she had a husband and son to take care of, being even get raped by him, still she beautifully shined. A wife, she was tied in that holy bond which was destroying her, that holy bond which always made the world believed that you would be happy with your loved ones but, no. Y/N never felt happy, she only felt that emotion when she was pregnant for the first with Jae, when she gave birth to Jae, when she saw his first step of Jae....her happiness was only Jae in the darkness she lived in.

Half way through of her life, she never complaint for the marriage because she loved Jungkook, only him but as if It was a punishment of saying yes to this marriage? She did not know the whole concept but she knew one thing that, her husband hates her, he hates her.


Morning was depth of the sky terms today with a little happiness happening to be in the air, it was chirping morning, birds were singing and sky was filled with orange and pink hues, colliding with sunrays, sparkling the magic on the land.

The falling of rays, it happened to caressed the little baby figure who was on the matted floor, happily playing with his toys and stuffed soft toys, his eyes were sparkling every now and then, his cute bouncy brown hair shined with sunrays, which was Falling on him, his doe eyes, his cute bunny smile and the cute chubby face of the baby, he was totally carbon copy of his father, Jeon Jungkook.

Indulged in his own little world while making different sounds effect from his little mouth, while mother was busy making breakfast, with emotionless face, the effect was still evident on her pretty pale face.

As she was in her thoughts, it broke down when she heard a footsteps climbing down the stairs and she knew who was that individual person, with a determination of ignoring the person, she filled the plate with breakfast she made and trailed to the dinning table.

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