A big play date!

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A/n I wanted to let everyone know that so far this entire book (only up to chapter 9 so far) the word count total is 20,365. That is absolutely nuts since I've never been able to actually see jsut how much I've written during the process. Anyways enjoy.

Sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense it's kinda filler?? Dunno the words lols anyways enjoy!

Btw I adopted a cat and that's her up there lol

Word count: 3002

It had been two weeks since the mall trip and Daniel was sitting in his little secretary desk bored out of his mind. Now being Shane and Austin's little meant they came out and occasionally babied him or made sure he was taking care of himself but also meant that they didn't give him anything difficult even then they never gave him anything difficult being their secretary. He whined to himself as his boredom only got worse, he started pacing trying to find something. Anything to distract himself. As he was pacing the phone rang, catching his attention, he had never rushed to answer a work phone faster in his life. He needed this to distract his mind.

"Ah! Hello um…" he paused his brain, moving to quickly "Starvell business and revenue, Daniel speaking" he recited his little speech he was told to say. "Hello, I am trying to reach someone named… Austin?" Daniel gave a quick nod, "of course one moment sir" the voice was familiar. He couldn't remember from where, it was rough and deep. He put the man on hold before walking over to Austin's door, knocking quietly as he could hear Austin typing away at his keyboard. As his knock sounded he could hear Austin pause, a soft come in could be heard.

Daniel opened the door slowly and shyly peaked his head in. "There's a man for you on the line" he spoke so softly, slightly upset with himself for bothering the man who cared for him. Austin seemed unbothered as his hands left his keyboard to pick up the phone Daniel quickly left as he saw him answer the phone. It was another boring twenty minutes before something happened. Austin walked out of his office and into Shane's. The sound of talking sounded like mumbling coming from the almost sound proof room. It didn't sound like a fight which assured Daniel but it sounded like whatever they were conversing about they were trying to make a decision.

Daniel rested his head against his desk, bored out of his mind. It had been an hour since Austin and Shane started discussing and they were still talking it over, it sounded like Shane was on the phone as well. Who would they be calling during work hours and why would it take an hour? Just as Daniel was dying of boredom Austin came out of the office, a giant smile on his face as he began to grab his coat and briefcase.

"Come on kiddo we have a surprise for you" Austin said as he began to guide the little one out of the building. Shane was not far behind as he continued to talk on the cellphone to someone Daniel didn't know. Only being able to make out their name and a few pieces of information about them. Such as their name was Forest and that they shouldn't be anxious to meet someone? As they got into the car Shane drove Austin sat in the passenger seat and took over the phone call, you could tell by his voice he was trying to baby the other person but they weren't having it. He could hear their androgynous voice through the small speakers telling him to stop and that they are trying to drive. Austin listened to their ask but he definitely wouldn't be stopping when they were done with whatever this drive was.

Daniel felt jealous hearing his daddies trying to baby someone through the phone but it also was reassuring knowing the other was denying them the ability to do so. It was a clear and sunny day as they continued to drive. They came up onto a giant building. The outside was black and covered in purple neon lights, it looked like a bar. "Why are we at a bar?" Daniel mumbled out his eyebrow raised, Austin chuckled. "Don't worry kiddo you won't be drinking" Shane parked the car as they got out except for Shane. "Where's he going?" Daniel asked Austin who started guiding him inside, "he's grabbing you clothes now come along".

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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