Day 13🥀

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Technically it's still day 12 but who cares it's nearly day 13 and I want to write so sue me...

I saw you changed your name...I'm proud of you.
Your name is too special to be hidden...although I must admit being the only one to know it was a nice feeling, but I know you in more ways then most people in the world, and I'll forever feel special for that.
I've been looking at tattoos being stuck in bed all this time, I gotta say I've found a lot more I want, more being suns than anything...there's so many it's hard to choose...
I don't know if you read all of these and it's okay if you don't, writing to you just makes me feel closer to you and that's all that matters. Believe it or not I've been writing to you since we first started talking...I have a book of letters all to you, I've stopped writing in it and just type in here now, but maybe I'll start again...I stopped because I thought I'd give it to you when you came here, who knows though, maybe one day you'll get to read them.
My plan was to fill it up, maybe I still will...I wonder how many letters there'll be when the book is full. There will always be so much to tell you, even if you don't read these, even if you don't care, I still want to tell you everything, I still get excited to write in here, it's almost like talking to you in a way...maybe that's just me being delusional but oh well...
I'll always write to you, always, that's what happens when you're a hopeless romantic, it's like thinking god put a person on earth just for you, and for me, he did, even tied a red string to never lose them, no matter where you are in the world I'll always hold onto that string...
I love you endlessly, without even trying, always.
Anyway I just wanted to say I'm proud of you for changing out the big Tank man;) song a day, whether you come here or not, they'll be here.

I'm always here, I'll always be here, waiting, this life or the next, don't ever think I won't be waiting. I love you

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