Day 9☀️

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One last day here, I'll be home tomorrow, back where reality is, where I can't pretend I'm okay anymore, where I'll sleep as much as possible to get away from this and closer to you, being asleep is almost as close to you as I can get...

I can barley keep myself up today, I'm exhausted, so tired and sick somewhat being from the cold, though I know if you were here you'd make fun of me for being cold, this is probably summer for you...

It's still so early, I'm still waking up at 5:30 every morning, my body seems so use to it now...
But being in nature it's hard to sleep in when the birds and animals are up all night...

As much fun as I'm having I can't wait to get home, a shower and coffee is heaven right now, you'd be worse then me at the moment.
My shoes broke and now I'm wearing my friends size 7, I think you can imagine how that's going... I've also somehow managed to melt the skin off my feet from the fire, and no I wasn't drunk, it's not as bad as you'd think though, you'd think it couldn't get worse but my whole top half of my phones stopped working now, definitely time for a new one... but besides that everything's fine considering there's only 5 of us out here...
It's hard having no service out here i must admit but It's nice too.

I really miss you

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