Day 2⛰️

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Today is day 2 without you; somehow today seems a lot harder then yesterday...

Maybe that's because I fear that each day that passes is a day closer to you forgetting about me, a day closer to your memories of me becoming distant...

Selfishly I want you to be hurting just as much as me, I want to know you miss me just as much, selfishly I hope the pain of not having me near gets harder and harder each day, I fear it'll get easier and easier for you each day...

I feel sick right now, I'm hiding in the bathroom at a family event watching and hoping to see your name pop up on my screen, hiding away to write this as this is as close to you as I can get...

Today is day 2 without you and I can hardly feel anything but the pain in my heart, each beat feels like a sting of a thousand bees, knowing we're under the same sky brings me comfort...

This afternoon I hope to climb the mountains to catch you before you go to bed, you're my sunset and today the sky is cloudy, it's raining, I wonder if that's because you're mourning me, I wonder if your crying with saltiness like me, please don't...

Shine for me my love, I'll climb the mountains soon to see your beauty, I'm coming soon my love...

I need you

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