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Once Harry and Trystyn left I said, "Damn he is going to kill you Ashton. That's what he is doing to Trystyn now." "He looked so pissed." Aspyn agreed. Cecelia said, "I think he might of gotten more protective over her than Liam is over you Aspyn." "Definitely." I said. Luke asked, "Who's Juliet?" "Just Harry's girlfriend, who lives here and was in America for a month." I said. The boys nodded as Harry, Trystyn and Juliet walked in the door. Trystyn went into her room probably to breathe before we continue the sleepover. I wouldn't blame her either. Harry introduced Juliet to the boys and then walked out. Soon he came back down stairs and took Ashton out back.

Harry took me out back to probably jump all over my ass about the dare and me kissing Trys. Yes I just came up with a nickname. All though it is used in Divergent, they are different. Because the one from Divergent is spelled Tris not Trys. See the difference. "Ashton are you paying attention?" Harry sternly said as I started to tune in. I said, "Sorry what?" "Keep away from Trystyn. She is 17. And I don't need her to get knocked up got it. You can become friends, but no more of this kissing and dating stuff got it. And I need you to get it because otherwise she can't go on tour with us." Harry said. I asked, "Why is she coming on tour?" "Guitar." He said. I nodded and said, "Got it. Promise I really do. Trust me. I just don't back down from a dare."

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