50 | grandpa matthew

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daylight / taylor swift

i don't wanna look at anything else now that i saw you
i don't wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you
i've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
and now i see daylight, i only see daylight
i once believed love would be black and white
but it's golden
it's golden like daylight

🍊 🍊 🍊

|   real life  |  instagram  |

real life

My lower lip is drawn into my mouth to hide my growing smile as I carefully sign my name underneath Callie's messy signature and Madi's tidy one. My first home that I've acquired on my own.

"Fantastic!" Our real estate agent beams as he gathers up the documents spread across the triplet's kitchen table. "As previously discussed, you are able to move in immediately. Here are your keys. Call me if you have any questions." The tall man with thin framed glasses deposits three sets of keys on the table before smiling courteously. "Pleasure doing business with you three." With that, he saunters through the triplet's home and lets himself out, the slam of the front door echoing behind him.

Madi, Callie and I immediately burst into laughter, Callie laughing so hard she falls off her chair and onto the floor.

"He looks just like Franklin the turtle!" Callie cackles, covering her face with her hands as she howls with laughter.

"He's way too confident in himself," Madi giggles as she pushes her dark hair away from her face.

"Nobody should be allowed to wear those shades of green and yellow together," I chuckle as I down the rest of my root beer before standing from my chair. "But hey, we got an apartment!"

Callie immediately cheers loudly. "Fuck yeah!"

"Callie, shut the FUCK UP!" Matt shouts from his bedroom down the hall.

Callie rolls her eyes in exasperation, ignoring Madi and I when we both giggle. "I'm not taking instructions from a man who lets little girls dictate his facial hair length!" she yells back, not moving from where she is sprawled across the kitchen floor.

"It was one picture on my snap story!" Matt bellows, frustration evident in his tone. "And you're the one who is constantly posting thirst traps to try to get guys to take you out so you don't have to pay for meals!"

"Yeah, and I'm proud of it!" Callie shrieks, her face growing red as she visibly gets more frustrated. She clambers from the floor and stomps down the hall toward Matt's room, not bothering to knock before shoving the door open. "See, you're just sitting around playing video games! I just bought a fucking apartment!"

"I OWN THIS FUCKING HOUSE!" Matt yells back, and I hear the sound of his chair sliding back as he stands to be eye level with Callie.

I sigh in exasperation, sharing a look with Madi. "Do you think if we lock them up together they will sort out their differences?"

Madi winces and shakes her head. "I'm afraid they will kill each other before any making up happens."

"Or making out." I giggle at the absurd thought. "But you know what they say. There's a thin line between love and hate."

"Before long, we'll be bridesmaids at their wedding." Madi wipes a fake tear, and we both laugh.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON!" Callie screams and Matt instantly fires back a similar insult.

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