4 | nicolas' words of widsom, volume 234

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♫  why / dominic fike  ♫

do you ever wonder why?
do you question anything?
how many warnin' signs 'till it hits you, darling?

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life | social media |

real life

The feeling of someone repeatedly poking my cheek rouses me from my sleep.

"Brynnnnn," Nick's voice hisses near my ear. "Wake upppppp."

I grumble mindlessly and attempt to swat his hand away, burying my face back into my pillow.

"Bryn," Nick whispers again, beginning to tug on my hair. "I'm hungry."

"So go get food from the kitchen," I mumble drowsily.

"But Dana and her boyfriend are down there," Nick whines quietly. "And you have no good food."

I roll slightly onto my side and rub my fists into my eyes. "How do you know we have no good food?"

"I'm just assuming, since you're all broke university students," Nick chirps, releasing my hair to poke my arm. "Can we go somewhere?"

"What time is it?" I yawn, finally cracking my eyes open. Nick is hovering beside me on the bed, shadows drawn across his face from the minimal light peeking through the closed window blinds.

The bright-eyed brunette peeks at his phone. "After ten. So you've had a good sleep in, and now we can go."

I grumble under my breath, but I know I won't be able to fall back asleep at this point, so I toss back my duvet and clamber out of bed. "Give me a few minutes to change," I sidestep the mattress on the floor where Matt and Chris are still deeply unconscious and grab some fresh clothes from my dresser to change into.

Five minutes later, Nick and I creep out of the silent house, careful not to wake Dana and her boyfriend, who indeed passed out in the living room. After fighting over the AUX cord in my car, we are soon on our way to my favourite breakfast place on campus, my playlist providing background noise.

"It's so early," Nick groans, sliding down in the passenger seat and propping his feet up on the dashboard.

"Bitch, you're the one who woke me up and dragged me out of the house," I spare a glance at him before refocusing on the road in front of me.

Nick shrugs, flipping down the mirror above him to look at his hair. "You have to pack, you wouldn't have slept much longer anyway."

"Don't talk to me about packing," I groan, the thought hitting me like a load of bricks. "I haven't even started."

"Your procrastination skills amaze me," Nick sniggers, plucking my phone out of the cup holder to switch the song. "But we don't go home until tomorrow, so you're fine. By the way, I forgot to ask how your exams went?"

I snort, feeling Nick's gaze settle on me as I spin the car into the parking lot. "Fucking terrible. I am fairly confident that I failed two of them."

"Shit," Nick raises his eyebrows, unbuckling his seat belt. "Were those the classes that you were already struggling in?"

"Yup. Which means that I probably failed both classes." Last night's anxiety crawls back into my gut and tugs on my nerves. "Holy fuck, I have to tell my mom."

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