1 | you're jealous became i'm phenomenal

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♫   run / coin   ♫

something tells me that you're never gonna stop 'til you get what you want

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| real life | social media |

real life

I normally consider myself to be a relatively nice person. I deem myself to be my friends' biggest cheerleader, I always tip in restaurants, and I only ever insult someone if they deserve it. But sometimes, I can't help but be a bitch.

"I actually hate you." My brown eyes narrow in a scowl directed at my light brown haired friend. "Like, I am seriously considering leaving."

Nate laughs loudly, the noise echoing through the fairly vacant mini golf course. Despite the sun shining above and the spring air being warm enough to be comfortable in a t-shirt, the only other people vacating the park is a family with two rambunctious young boys a few holes in front of us, and an overly touchy couple somewhere behind us.

"Remind me why I agreed to play mini golf with you?" Nate chuckles as he scoops his ball out of the hole. He just scored his fifth hole in one, whereas the lowest number of hits on a hole I have achieved is four. "I forgot how much of a sore loser you are."

"I am not a sore loser!" I protest, stepping across the grass pitch to hit my ball again. "I just like to win."

Nate snorts in amusement, running his hand through his hair as he watches me glare at my ball when it runs into a decorative rock. "You are probably the most competitive person I know. And you are also shit at mini golf."

I carefully bump my orange ball into the hole, and my eyes immediately flicker up to scowl at Nate. "I am going to slap the shit out of you if you don't shut up."

"Your threats mean nothing to me since you never actually follow through," Nate grins smugly at me. "Nick is the only one you are actually violent towards."

My mouth widens into a smile at the mention of our mutual friend. "Nick just knows how to push my buttons like no one else."

"And I am sure he would say the same about you," Nate chuckles, waiting for me to grab my ball before we move to the next hole. "How much longer until you finish school?"

This weekend is my last time coming home before the end of the semester. I don't come home very often through the school year, but my sister would have killed me if she found out I had a four day weekend and didn't come back to Somerville.

"I have two more weeks of classes, and then exams." I watch Nate carefully hit his blue ball across the uneven pitch, and when the ball doesn't make it over a hill, I have to fight to keep the shit-eating grin off my face. "I am so fucking ready for it to be over already."

Nate doesn't miss my smugness at him not getting a hole in one, and he flips me off as I step onto the pitch to set up my shot. "I still can't believe you're missing out on Hawaii."

"The fuck, dude, do you want me to cry right now?" I scowl at him before I swing my golf club, my ball zooming across the pitch and making it over the hill. "Haha, fuck you."

Nate rolls his eyes, bumping his ball over the hill and sending it into the hole. "I'm not competitive at all, what are you talking about?" he raises his voice mockingly.

I childishly stick my tongue out at him as I pass him to hit my ball. "You're excited for Hawaii, though?"

"Fuck, yeah," Nate grins, stepping off the pitch while I attempt to finish my turn. "I miss those stupid triplets."

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