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That One Winter Night
9. "can't be any worse than I am"

Please come home for Christ
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Marjore takes the hot chocolate offered to her by Carlos as he sits down next to her, his arm goes behind her shoulders to sit on the backside of the bench. Warmth radiates from behind her and she finds herself leaning back more to reach it.

"Thank you" she says softly, her eyes shift to the skating rink in front of her with a much more at ease gaze.

There's still a pit in her stomach when her eyes deceive her and show the illusion of a familiar man skating among the crowd with an even more familiar young girl with him.

"Of course" he responds, despite her view forward he looks at her with a warm smile. He wants to ask her questions upon questions but holds his tongue, hed rather sit in silent confusion then attempt and scare her off.

Marjoire looks away from the rink, and despite feeling Carlos' gaze on her, turns her attention to the warm cup in her hands. She focuses on it as if it's the most important thing in the world as her fingertips pick at the material anxiously.

She's unable to think of something to say, because everything she thinks of isn't enough or is too much. She thinks she probably looks like a fish with the way her mouth opens up to say something only to close it right back up because she's already over-thought it and started to hate it.

What does she say? 'Thank you' for maybe the fifth time? I'm sorry' because she feels bad that he feels the need to sit with her rather than go hangout with the others? Or does she just trauma dump as an explanation?

Her brain feels scattered as she tries to come up with something- anything really- to disrupt the silence that eats away at her.

As if he could read her scrambled thoughts, Carlos takes a sip of the hot beverage, "we don't have to talk about it, not if you don't want to" he tells her and she looks up to find him looking in front of them at nothing in particular.

"You don't want an explanation?" she whispers the words, she meant to think them but the disbelief has left her without much control over what's happening to her own body and mind.

Her eyes trace his side profile as he shakes his head before turning to face her, "i don't want to intrude or make you feel like you have to tell me" he says it so simply that Marjorie has to look away before he can see her deeply furrowed brows.

"Why are you still sitting here then?" she grimaces at how it sounds when she says it.

But carlos chuckles, not only has he become use other blunt way of talking but he's come to find it funny.

"Because i suck at ice skating," he jokes and before marjorie can even poke fun at him, he steals her breath away before she can trade a teasing comment, "and i didnt want to leave you alone"

"Oh" is all she can say. She looks away from him and back down to the cup in her hands.

It falls silent between them and it leads to Majroire saying something before she can stop it or even really think about the emotional consequences that follow in suit.

"Ice skating was me and Jules' thing" she blurts out, although it was said so quietly Carlos might've missed it if he wasn't as close to her as he was.

His hand that once raised his drink to his lips paused. He turns to her with a softened gaze, he knows who jules Bianchi- everyone does- and so he knows how hard it must be for her to talk about him. Especially to someone she is just know starting to think of as... as what? He doesn't know.

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