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That One Winter Night
8. " My mom likes carnations"

Merry Christmas Darling
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Marjorie barely slept last night. She couldn't get her mind to shut up its blabbering about the Spanish phrase and the Spanish man who coined it. She tossed and turned, maybe getting two hours of sleep the whole night before someone rushed into her room.

"Wake up" Arthur throws a stray pillow at Marjorie before she can even say she's already awake. The pillow hits her and she immediately throws it back at the youngest Leclerc.

"I'm already awake idiot" she grumbled while trying to rub the tiredness from her eyes.

"I know I just wanted to throw a pillow at you"

Marjorie grabs the closest pillow to her and throws it even hard at Arthur who dodges it while laughing, telling Marjorie "get up we're going ice skating today" before leaving.

Marjorie's eyes widen at the chosen activity. Her heart clenches in her chest at the thought of doing something she hasn't done since 2015.

Only one person really knew that before she even considered modeling, she wanted to be a figure skater. The way they moved with such precision upon the ice, their glittery costumes creating a mirage of colors that gave an aura of  grace and talent.

She craved to be one of those talented ice dancers.

But no one in her family skated, Lorenzo found other hobbies, and Charles and Arthur devoted themselves to racing. And of course her parent didn't know much of the ice sport and they couldn't exactly afford a coach that could teach her what she needed.

But there was one person, technically outside of the family, that knew of her dreams and tried everything to help her achieve them.

Jules Bianchi, Charles' godfather or Lorenzo's best friend to most people... but Marjorie he was an idol. Someone she looked up to purely because he seemed so kind, too kind. Too kind when he'd tell a bunch of guys he couldn't go hang out because he promised to help a sarcastic ten year old learn how to skate across some ice.

She hasn't skated since he died.

It felt wrong... but in the same sense it also felt wrong to have not. She knew he'd be upset she spent almost six years of her life dedicated to a sport only to throw her skates, figuratively and literally, away in a fit of mournful rage. Her childhood room still the dent adorning a wall where she threw them, still in her black funeral dress, because she couldn't bare the sight of them.

"Fuck" she dragged out the word as she dragged her hands down her face. Already, she dread the emotional turmoil she'd have to face today.


Majorie's mood only flattened more when Charles- crookedly- pulled into a parking spot outside the skating rink. Children laughed, parents cheered, and music played but Marjorie felt a weight in her heart that felt crushing.

When she went downstairs after she begrudgingly pulled herself from her bed, she received an apologetic look from Lorenzo when Lucy asked if she was excited to go ice skating today.

That One Winter Night <> CS55 Where stories live. Discover now