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That One Winter Night
6. " You're allergic to cats Marji"

Do You Hear What I Hear
/Bing Crosby/
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Jess doesn't waste a single second to turn down the Christmas music on the radio and swivel around in the front seat to face Marjorie, who's been zoned out for the past ten minutes.

Carlos and Charles have just slid out of the vehicle to step into the gas station, leaving Jess a perfect moment to question her best friend.

"Was Arthur Right? We're you two making out?" Marjorie green eyes bulge and she snaps her head up to look at Jess.

"There's no way you believe that" she quickly says, hoping her friend hasn't gone crazy like she apparently has.

Jess' lips widen into a smug smile and she shakes her head, "nope, I just wanted to see how you'd react if I asked"

As if on cue, Marjorie feels how her heartbeat skipped in her chest and her face has gone warm for a reason other than the heating in the car.

"Shut up you don't know me" Marjorie grumbles under her breath, slouching in the smooth leather seat.

Jess let's out a chuckle.

"I do know you, however I-for the life of me- cannot figure out why you're pushing back so much on that? He obviously likes you-"

Marjorie cuts her off with a matter-of-fact tone, "he does not like me"

Jess rolls her eyes but continues, "yes he does, and you like him you're just not allowing yourself to see it! Why is that Marji?"

Marjorie's mouth opens, ready to fight back with a quick response only she can't.

"It's just..." she groans and slouches more in her seat. She looks out of the window and at the gas station the two guys went into, "I don't think I have enough time to explain it"

Jess waves her off, "I asked Charles to get me a candy I know they don't have, we've got at least ten minutes for him to give up"

"You're so sneaky" Marjorie jokes and Jess shows a toothy grin before pointing at her best friend.

"Come on Marji, i seriously don't get it." Jess finally says and leans over the center console.

Marjorie looks out the window to see her brother and Carlos.

She lets out a deep sigh and her head falls back against the leather headrest, "I just-" Marjorie groans in frustration- "I've dated guys like Carlos before, where they seem so so sweet in the beginning and then bam! They start calling you the crazy one when you catch them in your own bed with another girl" Marjorie says, her voice going quieter and bitter the more she talks.

"I can tell you confidently that Carlos is nothing like him" Jess tells her, her own voice going bitter at the mere mention of Marjorie's ex that seems to have ruined athletes for her.

"James was a racer too" Marjorie reminds Jess, even just saying his name makes her already sour mood spoil even more.

"Please, he raced in formula E, Carlos is a formula one driver and a damn good one" Jess jokes and Marjorie, who's eyes have been staring up at the cloth roof of the car the entire time, finally looks at Jess.

"I just don't wanna be the dumb girl again who lets a guy walk all over her" Marjorie whispers softly, her shoulders slumping, "I can't- I won't do it again. I'd rather become a single old women with a bunch of cats"

"Carlos is a lot different than James" Jess tries to comfort her with the words but it only makes Marjorie slouch back in her seat more and squeeze her eyes shut.

So Jess only sighs and sits back in her seat when she notices Charles and Carlos walking towards their car.

"You're allergic to cats Marji" Jess tries to joke again, wishing to lighten her friends mood that's fallen from the conversation.

Marjorie just let's out a huff of laughter as the car door opens. She barely opens her eyes to see the Spaniard, who's been taking up too much space in her mind lately, climb in the back seat next to her. She shuts her eyes again only to open them again in surprise when she feels a cold bottle placed in her lap.

She looks down in shock to see a bottle of classic Dr Pepper placed in her lap. She looks over to Carlos who's opening a water bottle, he only offers a small smile.

"Thought it'd cheer you up" he says simply with a shrug of his shoulders. Marjorie's face morphs into a confused look.

He got her a drink- her favorite drink? Because she looked upset? And he thought it'd cheer her up? How did he even know it was her favorite drink?

She takes a minute to look from the drink and back to Carlos, the small gesture makes her stomach flip inside her chest. When she remembers she hasn't said anything, she quickly clears her throat and speaks up with a small appreciative smile.

"Thank you" She tells Carlos.

"No problem Mi Corazo" he responds happily.

She furrows her brows.

Again with that nickname? What does it even mean? Is it an insult or something?

Shed type it into google translate if she knew how to spell it- and even remembered to do so.

She tries to leave it at that, looking back out the window at the snowy scenery. Her mind starts to wander until it's cut off by her phone buzzing in her pocket.

She pulls it out of her jacket's pocket to see it's a text from the girl in the front seat.

James would've never
...but Carlos would

Marjorie rolls her eyes despite a smile again making its way onto her face when she closes her phone and takes a sip of the Dr Pepper- that does in fact lift her mood. But it also makes her mind all the more confused

Question- do you guys like
the short chapters that come
out quicker or the longer
chapters that take a bit
more time?

That One Winter Night <> CS55 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon