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That One Winter Night
4. "You wish visage de merde"

Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
/Bredna Lee/
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Marjorie yawns and rubs her eyes as she walks down the wooden steps, her cozy brown slippers pad against the would be cold ground as the smell of waffles pulls her towards the kitchen.

She walks into the kitchen, that looks like it fell right out of a Christmas decor magazine, to see Mae and Lorenzo both at the stove- despite Mae being the only one cooking. Marjorie fully believes that not only Lorenzo, but also her and her brothers would've starved a long time ago if it wasn't for the French baker her older brother met. She's typically their only source of a homemade (good) meal if they haven't seen their mother in a while.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Lorenzo greets, walking away from Mae after placing a gentle kiss to her temple. Then he sets the filled plate of waffles on the wooden countertop in front of his sister with a warm smile. Marjorie- never a morning person- grumbles out a soft 'morning Lo' before laying her head against the cool surface.

"You seem more tired than usual" Mae comments with a frown, pouring more of her more homemade waffle mix into the maker before walking over to join her fiancée and her soon to be sister-in-law. The shiny rock on her finger glimmers in the morning sunlight that peeks through the open curtains that usually cover the window over the sink.

"I'm just in a constant state of exhaustion" Marjorie jokes before grabbing a waffle off the plate to bite into it.

Lorenzo groans in disgust, "use a fork- you're not a wild animal"

"It's too early for you to be judging me" Marjorie comments back, taking another bite of the delicious waffle. Sighing in relief at the tasty and still warm waffle basically melting in her mouth.

"Leave the poor girl alone" Mae jokes as well before stepping back to the waffle maker.

"Good morning lovely people" Jess chippers, she already looks ready for the day as Marjorie could guess she's been up for a few hours. Completely the opposite of Marjorie, Jess happens to be a morning person.

Charles walks in behind her, pressing a kiss to his girlfriends cheek before walking over to the plate of waffles to grab one as well. Lorenzo watches with a frown but says nothing this time.

"So he can eat like an animal without judgement?" Marjorie quickly points out the injustice.

Lorenzo sighs while Charles looks between his two siblings with confusion, "I'm just slowly giving up on you two having manners" the eldest Leclerc says.

"I have plenty of manners!" Charles says- with his mouth full.

Lorenzo just rolls his eyes again as Arthur and Lucy walk in.

"Ha! You have no manners Charlie" Arthur adds despite not even knowing what was happening. Always the instigator would be a perfect way to describe the youngest Leclerc sibling.

Charles grumbles after swallowing his food, Jess rubs his shoulder jokingly while sitting in-between him and his sister.

"Is everyone down?" Mae ask as the last to arrive couple sits down too- Lucy making sure to grab plates and forks for everyone. She's too much of a neat freak to just watch it like Lorenzo.

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