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Noa grazed his fingers along the back of his neck, yawning. He was sore all over, and the damn vines weren't helping. Poison ivy and moon lilies covered them, the white blossoms puffing itchy, yellow dust everywhere.

If he didn't get out of this godsforsaken ballroom soon, his eyes would swell shut. And he'd probably pass out again.

The vial the dragon-elf princess gave him gouged the pad of his palm, but he didn't dare hang it from its cord around his neck yet. Not while the petrified corpses of so many humans and lesser fae who'd wanted him dead surrounded him. Although they were harmless anymore, with flowers sprouting out of their hollow eyes, he'd seen them transform from flesh and blood to wood and pulp. It was an image he'd never forget.

His carving hobby had given him steady hands, but now they were shaking.

It was an immense relief that the Yansu princess hadn't chosen to barbecue him on the spot—or turn him into a tree. He could still hardly believe she'd given him the vial of golden liquid, which she'd claimed were drops of her own magic. She'd ordered him to use the potion as leverage against the residents of Nightfair, forcing them to evacuate or submit to a change in leadership.

Noa didn't doubt her strategy would work. Once everyone saw what had happened here overnight, they would be just as frightened as he was.

His siblings groaned as they struggled to stand, and he sighed. Brisa and Reis were fools for believing the warlock and his corrupted soul had ever intended to place them on equal footing. That thing—the Eternal—had repaid their loyalty by filching years of their lives. And they hadn't even fought back. Not that it was surprising. His family had always been sycophantic zealots.

Noa couldn't even really feel sorry for them. They'd had it coming after the way they'd treated Liss. He was just glad the Darkbane girl had gotten away, and that his gift—the necklace he'd made her—had served her well.

Gods, it was painful to think what might have happened if that creepy elven wraith hadn't helped kick Edril out of Liss' body. The girl was a priestess, a powerful one. With some real training, she'd likely become as strong as the dragon-elf someday. And that was saying something, because Noa had never witnessed a display of magical prowess as impressive as he'd seen tonight.

He rolled the vial of dragonfire around in his hands, staring at the glittering liquid. It was mesmerizing, like the nectar of the gods.

Yes, this will do just fine.

A shudder ran through him as the odd, disjointed thought raced through his mind. But he shook his head, and the moment passed.

A rat scampered across the side of his heel, and he jumped out of the way, glancing back at the writhing mass of rodents he'd tried to ignore. But that had just become impossible... because the mound of skittering flesh was changing. The rats' dusky gray and brown pelts stretched and fused together, rising from the floor until the incomprehensible thing they had become settled like a long, hooded cloak over a dainty figure whose silhouette turned Noa's blood cold.

The air stung his swollen eyes, and he gripped the vial so tightly a drop of blood dripped down his knuckles.

Small pale hands slipped past the ends of the cloak's sleeves to push back the hood. Light brown ringlets sprung into view, framing an innocent smile.

"That was fun." The little girl giggled, tightening the silk ribbons on either side of her head. "You surprised me. I guess we're both pretty good at tricks, huh?"

The tingle at the base of Noa's neck crept over his head and plunged down his chest. The itch was so intense he thought his skin might separate from his bones.

An icy hand gripped his shoulder, pushing him down. Into the gloom. Under the surface of his consciousness.

A rictus grin tilted his lips, and a foreign presence hijacked his voice.
"Tricks are for children, Fossie. I simply adapted."

"Well..." The little witch swept her bloody hands down her cloak, inspecting her handiwork. "You've lost your queen and the Darkbane girl, but I can't say I'm disappointed. I much prefer this vessel. He's almost as handsome as Dragon Girl's soulbond." Her nose wrinkled above a lopsided pout. "But it's a shame he's my brother now. I was hoping to add him to my special collection."

A numb growl rumbled up Noa's throat. Though he was freezing, his voice didn't shake when he spoke. "Do you ever think things through?"

"Not like you."

"Then you should reconsider your error. This boy is related to the Darkbane clan's eldest councilman and the free Darkbane."

"And I should care because...?"

"Freedom, child. And power. Don't you want that?"

"I want you to stop underestimating me all the time." The girl shrugged, humming to herself. "And to have fun and keep collecting pretty things, I suppose."

"Fun?" Raspy laughter bubbled on his poisoned tongue. The entity within Noa forced him to stare into the middle distance, his gaze glazing over. "My dear little sister, how would you like to finally visit the cursed valley from which you were so cruelly forbidden all these years?"

The girl cooed, her soulless blue eyes shining with sick delight as Noa's heart pumped its last frigid beat. 

                                                                           ~*TO BE CONTINUED*~

        **FOLLOW for UPDATES
   when I start releasing Book 2!!**

Dear Reader, 

I love you! No, really, I do. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time out of your day to read and support my little (ok, LONG) story in its baby drafting stage. I worked on this crazy tale almost daily for over a year. It was a true labor of love, and I hope you enjoyed it and are excited for what's to come for our little band of elven misfits. 

The goal is to edit and publish the polished series on Kindle Unlimited someday, so any comments and reflections you have are extremely welcome as I embark on that process. I won't beg for your comments (even though I kinda want to! *wink wink*) All reviews are helpful, even the not so great ones. I mean, how else do indie authors decide what to improve and/or include in the next book to keep you entertained?! 

Anyway, thanks again. You're the best!

Zan-cat is a cutie, isn't he? *sigh*wishhewasreal*sigh*

Well, cheers! 

I wish you all the best and lots of *MAGIC* 


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