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lowercase intended

the next few days of their togetherness melted into one.

one huge elaborate messy blend.

mornings were spent basking in the white sunshine that smoothed over their bodies. they lie together, whispering, mumbling and playing select albums from marie's vast jazz collection. their bodies were always in a tangle, pyjamas askew, hair chaotic.

afternoons were spent wrapped in quilted blankets in the garden, sipping on whatever drink marie managed to find from her emptying kitchen. she would look at him in these moments, taking in his aging features. features she had never seen before. there was a faint crinkle forming below his eye, the same place that would scrunch up when he smiled.

elvis had never allowed himself to be so vulnerable and he noted that this was the longest time he had ever gone without pruning and priming himself. with daisy he always felt the need to be formal, not a hair out of place. even when marie had been at graceland he felt some kind of pressure to be well dressed at all times.

he thought he liked being dressed up but as he sat there with her, taking in the way her upturned nose glinted in the sunlight he realised that being vulnerable and messy was his default.

no, it was their default.

"i hope every part of my messiness engulfs you." marie spoke it quietly into the cool afternoon air. her nose was deep in, what elvis had learnt, was her poetry notebook.

elvis hummed his approval, unable to tear his eyes away from the side of her face. he was chewing tobacco, he had found it in marie's bathroom cabinet and initially laughed. why on earth would she be chewing tobacco? he had soon learnt that it was charlie's dirty habit.

something he hid away at marie's place.

"your messiness has engulfed me darl..." elvis chuckled, watching as she shot him a fake pained look.

after their first day together, the pair had received millions of phone calls, one after the other. all three phones throughout the house would ring constantly. that was until it interrupted a special moment they were sharing. elvis had gotten up tearing away from marie, and angrily ripped every phone from its chord.

marie attempted to care, but shrugged it off when his lips met hers and the only noise she could hear was his faint heavy breathing.

that was another bond they had managed to enjoy. it was something elvis held dear to his heart, and in the most gentlemanly manor he had asked her if she was okay every step of the way.

it wasn't like how it was with charlie.

charlie liked what he liked and in the moment he didn't care how the other person was feeling.

elvis made her feel euphoric; baby pink painted nails grasping at whatever they could could, tangling in what had become a knot of black hair.

"i wish i hadn't signed a contract for this damn movie mi, i'on think i can return to the real world." elvis placed his head in his hands, looking at the patio below him.

marie placed her notebook onto the table and reached over to stroke the back of his head, fingers lingering on the curve of his neck.

"we can't stay here forever." marie wanted to, she wanted to stay like this in their fantasy world for all of eternity, but it was unrealistic. he was world famous and she was slowly slipping out of the public eye. "i'll be here when you come back though, i promise this time."

elvis felt a shooting pain in his heart. if it hadn't been for their managers scheming he would of got all of her letters, she would of got his.

both had learnt that the colonel and mr booker had planned to steal their letters from
both ends. the pair felt it best for marie and elvis' career. marie was yet to learn that her relationship with charlie was only a business plan to benefit her father.

elvis didn't have the heart to tell her, not yet.

"i know mi, i wont trust no one but you." he sat up resting two fingers on her chin. "you promise me that you won't be sittin' here readin' those tabloids? i know what you girls are like."

marie cocked her head, a playful inquisitive look on her face. "you girls? wow e, i never saw you as the grouping type."

he pushed her shoulder, looking away and smirking. "you know what i mean mimi."

"yeah, i do." she smiled back at him.

she didn't know what it was, but when he smiled she practically crumbled. if they were having a petty argument and he smiled, she would smile too. something inside her made it inescapable.

"i'll miss this face." elvis looked longingly at her.

"i won't." marie joked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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