Nothing is Real

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"Alright little one- are you ready to go?"


Carefully slinging the backpack over his shoulders, Balloony kneeled down, his hands reaching to cradle the small rock's face. He pressed a kiss on the top of his forehead, just above his permanent scar, resulting in a smile that grew on Rocky's face.

"Well," Balloony stated, clearing his throat. "Let's get everything ready- and I'll walk you to the lab, alright?"

In response to his words, Rocky nodded, watching as the balloon patted the top of his head, standing and making his way to the kitchen and leaving Rocky in the living room.

It was the night that Rocky would be spending with Tennis Ball and Golfball- as the little one had been constantly asking to spend some time with them, like they had done many months ago.

Now, things were different. Despite what everybody told him, Rocky knew that there was something stressing his mo- Golfball and Tennis Ball. He wished he could know why Golfball wouldn't look at him. He wished he could be taken in by them again.

He missed them.

This didn't mean that Rocky hated Balloony and Cloudy- it was quite the opposite. Both of them were the best da- caregivers anybody could ever ask for, especially when they had all first returned from their initial recovery. Cloudy and Balloony didn't hesitate to welcome the little one with open arms, and this, along with meeting Grassy, was enough to help Rocky feel like his old self again.

It had been a while since he had last seen Grassy. Balloony said he had to do something very important. When Rocky had asked about his eventual return, Cloudy promised that he'd collect that answer from his parents. And Rocky knew that when his da- Cloudy, said he'd be off to collect something, he'd bring it right back.

The sun, now making its gradual descent into the serenity of nighttime, painted the sky with pinks and blues. Rocky found himself staring up, taking in the colors he could see, and smiling at the way the colors melted into one another, mixing into the deep, rich blue of the night sky. Stars faded into his vision, one by one, and his eyes soon latched onto the clouds that faintly reminded him of his caretaker.

I wonder if Grassy can see the sky, too, he thinks to himself. I know he'd see how cool it is...

He continued to stare aimlessly at the sky, until footsteps faded into Rocky's 'ears'. He knew that his caretakers were walking towards his direction.

"Are you zure you're going to be fine?" Cloudy asked, floating next to Balloony's head. The other, whilst clearing his throat, met his eyes with an easing smile.

"Cloudy, it's a short walk from here," reassured Balloony. "I'll drop him off, and get the strawberries we need for that yogurt you've been wanting to try."

"I've gotta gollect the different wayz they're zerved, it'z how I can determine which one iz better!"

"Trust me, I know." Chuckling, Balloony pressed his lips against the side of his partner's face, as blush spread across Cloudy's stunned expression. Shock blossomed into a flustered smile, and the two chuckled, letting their foreheads rest against one another's lovingly. It lasted for a good few seconds, until a cold shudder jabbed through Balloony's body, resulting in a shiver. His eyes darted around the room, unsure of what had triggered it, but sighed and looked back towards Rocky.

"Do you have everything you need?" he asked, lowering to Rocky's level.

"Yes," he said.

"Then I think we're ready to go. Aren't you excited?"

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