All My Troubles, Burning Away

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Flames sting against Stapy's body, as he rips through the doors around him, searching for his closest friends. He had only wanted to grab them all some bags of popcorn to make- next thing he knew, he awoke to the smell of smoke, and the sounds of screaming.

Hopping through the blaze, he finds himself getting confused by the directions in which the screams would lead him. Were they from the second floor?! The third?! Or was it here, on the first floor?!

Unable to find anything, Stapy leaps into the doors of the stairwell, and the scent of blood crashes through his senses. The smoke was too heavy for him to make out what was around him, so he lunged forward, trying to get himself to the next floor.

"HELLO?!" he screamed. "ANYONE?!"

He jumped once more, and the sound of bones snapping made the colors in his face drain.

Even as the flames crawled amongst the walls of the hotel, his gaze fell to the floor, following the glistening trail of blood.

When Foldy's lifeless eyes gazed straight through his, he was unable to contain himself from screaming in terror.

His best friend was dead.

And now, he had trampled over her. Draining her of any life that he could have possibly saved.

It was too much.

Too much for Eraser to handle.

Watching his boyfriend die right in front of him. The way his eyes dimmed as his final breath slipped past his mouth.

Would it ever leave him...?

Leaning down, he chokes on his tears as many panicked yells reverberated through the flames. Any energy to try and escape dissipated before his own eyes, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find himself getting back onto his feet. The only thing that circulated in the back of his mind were the sights that surrounded him.

Pencil's grief. Pen's lifeless gaze. Pen...

"ERASER!" Despite Blocky's yells, Eraser didn't snap out of it, his feet stumbling as they trailed aimlessly through the halls. There was no way of telling if it was shock, or despair; he would have tried to go after him, if it weren't for the pair of hands that clasped at Blocky's shoulders.


Oh. The sight made him scowl.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" he screamed, thrashing against her grip. "LET ME GO!"

"OI'M SORRY!" The metallic soap bubble cried out. "OI HAVE TO GET YOU OUT OF HERE!"





All the apologies that danced from her tongue burnt at the flames surrounding her. Regardless of the cursing and yelling that erupted from the wooden block, Bubble dragged him through the chaos, hectically finding her way back to the lobby. Flames licked at his body, yet her eyes were locked onto the entrance- refusing to look away.

Even with the threats he screamed, his screeches of pain, and the few punches he threw, Bubble mustered up the strength to hurl him out of the unblocked exit, his screams lowering as he flew across the pavement. She wastes no time, quickly diving into the wreck for any remaining survivors.

In the distance, she notices Pillow, as she quickly dragged an injured Marker from a separate room. Their eyes met, and in that moment, there was nothing that needed to be said- as they would search for any remaining survivors.

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