♯ 𝟯𝟱 only 126,7 miles

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thirty-five  ━━  only 126,7 miles

✸  ANYONE ELSEthirty-five  ━━  only 126,7 miles

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


THE SMELL OF sweat, instant noodles and a faint touch of alcohol wasn't one Julie would consider especially appealing, but it seemed like she would have to get used to it.

The entirety of the dorm rooms at Yale University reeked of teenagers, even though most occupants were well into their twenties.

Freshly eighteen, Julie Beck Fisher was one of the youngest students at the prestigious university, but she felt just as emotionally mature as the boy who had tried to hit her with a overripe banana on her way in. Wasn't this supposed to be a prestigious college?

She was rolling her pastel blue suitcase behind her, and behind that, Conrad Fisher and Steven Conklin were walking. Both of them were carrying huge cardboard boxes filled to the brim with more of her stuff.

Both of them had to move into their college dorms only two days later—Steven at Princeton and Conrad at Brown—but still, they had made time to help her move in.

She was nervous to say the least. Going to Finch with Jeremiah would definitely had been the safer, more comfortable choice, but she was grateful that her brothers and boyfriend had convinced her to accept Yale instead. Everything about the school seemed like something out of a movie, and a movie-like experience would be a dream come true.

Reaching room number 81, Julie stopped for a moment to admire the names written on the door; J. Fisher was delicately written next to K. Williams on a platter hanging on the dark wooden door.

Hesitantly, she opened the door, looking behind her for a second to make sure the two boys were following before stepping inside.

Immediately, she was met with the presence of a girl, around her own age, with dark brown hair and dark eyes, wearing a welcoming smile.

"Hi!" She greeted them from her spot on one of the beds. "I'm Kendra. Are you J. Fisher?" Her voice was soft and gentle yet still warm and enthusiastic.

"Yeah," Julie replied, stepping forward to shake Kendra's outstretched hand. "I'm Julie."

"Nice to meet you!" The brunette stood from her sitting position on the bed, greeting Conrad and Steven shortly before stepping out the door. "I'll leave you to unpack, it's probably easier without me being in the way. I'll be back later," She smiled brightly at them one last time before exiting the room with determined steps.

Watching her retreating back, it took a second before one of them spoke again.

"She seemed nice." Conrad delicately placed the box onto the floor next to her bed.

"Yeah," Julie replied, looking at her older brother with a small smile. An overwhelming feeling was starting to envelope her as she took everything in. She was in her new room. She had met her roommate.

"Is it alright if I go to grab a snack quickly?" Conrad asked, bringing her back to reality as he too wandered towards the door. "I'll be quick, just have to get my blood sugar up."

"Of course," She replied. "Don't rush, we'll be fine."

He frowned slightly but nodded anyways, hurrying out the door and quickly
making a beeline for the canteen.

As the door closed behind him, Julie and Steven turned to look at each other.

"Now it's just us again." Steven remarked, a small smirk grazing his lips as he took a step towards her.

She smiled as well, meeting him halfway across the floor and crashing her lips onto his. His hand went to the back of her head while the other rested comfortably on her upper back. Both her hand went around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer.

They both smiled into the kiss, soon forced to break apart to let out the small, euphoric laughs that appeared in their stomachs.

Their eyes met after a second, and Julie found herself lost in his green eyes. She knew them better than her own, and the warmth they radiated had been a constant comfort throughout her entire life, especially in the last few months.

"I can't believe that after today we'll be 120 miles away from each other . . ." She gently played with the hairs at the back of his neck, trying to keep the smile on her face.

"126,7 to be exact." He corrected her.

She only shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Be serious, Steven."

"I am serious!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly down at her. "126,7 miles is a lot, but we'll make it work. It's only an hour and 26 minutes in car, so I'll drive up to you as often as I can . . ." He thought for a moment. "We can also text and call and I promise to spam you every time I have a free second, so you'll probably be tired of me by the time we can meet up."

"I could never be tired of you," She replied, a genuine smile on her face as she listened to his reassuring words. "I love you."

He only smiled in response, a boyish grin forming as he leant down to kiss her again, this time more gently but with just as much love and passion as the previous one.

Standing there, her hands tangled in his soft brown hair as he gently slid his hands down to meet her waist, she felt completely at ease. Not even distance would be able to ruin them and what they had. They were locked in forever, and she would never be able to get rid of him. Not that she minded that at all.

✸ author's note ✸an epilogue should be coming soon and maybe some bonus chapters as well, so don't archive the story just yet!!! this was the last official chapter though 😔

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

author's note
an epilogue should be coming soon and maybe some bonus chapters as well, so don't archive the story just yet!!! this was the last official chapter though 😔

𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲,  steven conklin حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن