♯ 𝟬𝟵 girls' day

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chapter nine ━━ girls' day

✸  ANYONE ELSEchapter nine ━━ girls' day

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STEVEN WAS CONFLICTED. Was Julie right? Did he only want her because he suddenly couldn't have her?

No. She wasn't right. He had liked her since long before James came into the picture. Why couldn't she see that?

Julie didn't come down to breakfast the following morning. She didn't leave her room at all before they all had finished eating, and Conrad left to his job. Maybe Julie thought that it had been him, who left, because she looked disappointed when she caught sight of him. If it wasn't because Susannah came to talk to her and let her to sit at the table, she might have gone back to her room.

She couldn't face Steven after his drunk confession the night before. He had been drunk, right?

"I'll reheat some French toast for you, darling," Susannah smiled as always brightly at her daughter, who smiled the same bright smile, that all three Fisher children had inherited, back.

Steven didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay with his sister and mother and the Fisher women, but he unfortunately had a Sunday shift, so he left the house after saying goodbye.

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

JULIE DIDN'T FEEL bad for Steven when she saw his sad face that morning. She had overslept because she had spent the night before thinking about their conversation by the beach. At first, she had felt bad about being so hard on him, but after thinking it all through a couple of times, she had come to the conclusion that it had been his fault.

She hadn't led him on in any way, so she hadn't done neither Steven nor James bad. Actually, it was them who wouldn't leave her alone. She had begun to question her relationship with James—she would never tell Steven that it was because of him, but it was.

He had already texted her four times that morning, asking if they could do something. She had already spent almost everyday of the last week with him, so she had answered that she wasn't available today. That she wanted to spend the day with her family.

He didn't understand that; hence the 3 new messages that were still unopened.

Can't you spend time with them tonight?

We could just go eat lunch

If it's because you don't want to spend time with me you could just say so. You don't have to come up with a lie

She didn't plan on answering because she knew that he'd somehow get her to go out with him even though she didn't want to.

She didn't feel like she needed his attention. Somehow, being with him had made her realise that she didn't need someone's attention to be happy.

Instead of dwelling on it any more, she began eating Laurel's amazing French toast.

Laurel, Belly, and Susannah were sitting around her, sipping on juice or snacking on the fruit.

"You know what?" Susannah questioned. "I think we should have a Girls' Day."

She smiled hopefully around, waiting for the two teenagers to agree.

When both them nodded their head to the suggestion, the older woman let out a excited squeal and clapped together her hands.

"We're going shopping, and then we're going to eat a good lunch at the Mexican restaurant down in the town."

Everyone agreed, and soon enough Julie found herself with a paper bag full of clothes that her mother had insisted on buying her, and a warm quesadilla in front of her. The four women laughed and smiled as they enjoyed their food, all their problems forgotten.

For the first time in many weeks, they could just relax with their favourite people.

steven and julie are so debut/fearless and up all night/take me home and i adore them sm

𝗮𝗻𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗲𝗹𝘀𝗲,  steven conklin Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu