The Ocean And The Beach

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I'd rather be the one to shoot myself

If that meant you couldn't hurt me

It's a similar wanting

To how I'd rather the sea stop crashing

Into the beach while the storm passes through

But it keeps coming

Not stopping

Not realizing the damage it does

The beach is forced to change the way it's viewed

It changes and molds

to whatever the waves make it

The waves keep taking advantage

And everyone that already uses the beach

Looks back to it in disgust

It's littered with the trash and waste of the sea

But that's not its fault it's hated

Whereas when people look out to the sea

They marvel in delight

They're fascinated by the way it moves




But the ocean is a bully

No matter what it does

It forces everyone and everything around it

To obey

"It's not its fault!"

They say

"That's just the way the sea is!"

"It's actions aren't of its own!"

"It's forced by the pull of the storms and moon!"

I was told

But people don't hate the sea for that.

They only hate the beach

For how dirty it looks

For the way it sinks and trips

For the way it is

Because the people and ocean forced it to be that way

And it can't do anything about it

It's a similar thing

To how I'd rather be the one to shoot myself

Than have anyone else hurt me

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