Chapter 30

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Goo came walking through the door with a plastic bag in his hand, he slipped off his shoes before walking over to see Gun making pancakes. "I got her prescription. She did call for a refill, she just forgot to pick it up." Goo stated as he set the bag on the counter before opening it, pulling out a stabled paper bag. "Did you call Damon?" Goo questioned as he continued to unload the contents in the bag.

Gun shook his head, "I called her mother instead, I couldn't get ahold of him. She says for us not to worry about taking the trip to the estate and for us to stay here." He then looked over, raising a brow as he noticed a bottle of rum. "What is that for? (Y/N) doesn't drink ... for good reasons too." He questioned as he placed a pancake on a plate before getting the batter ready for another one.

Goo rolled his eyes, "I know that, this is for me to make her favorite dessert later, rum cake." He stated as he slipped off his jacket before draping it onto the bar chair. "Is she still asleep?" He reached out for the stapled bag, ripping it open to pull out the prescription bottle.

"Last I checked." Gun replied with a shrug as he remained focused on the breakfast he was fixing.

Goo didn't say anything more as he instead went to her room, knocking on the door lightly before opening it, finding her awake and scrolling on her phone. "Good morning." He greeted with his usual wide smile as she perked up a little, placing her phone on her lap as she sat up.

"Hey Goo, morning." (Y/N) replied with a yawn as Goo walked over, setting down the bottle on her nightstand. "Thanks and sorry-"

Goo ruffled the top of her head, cutting her off, "Don't apologize. You have no control of anything, just happy I could be there. Gun would say the same." He stated as he watched her grab the bottle, opening it and plopping a pill into her hand before tossing it into her mouth, grabbing the glass to take a sip of water to help swallow the pill.

"Still it was irresponsible of me." She told him as he took the bottle from her hand, screwing back on the cap.

Goo shrugged, "You thought you were getting better so you laid off the pills a little bit. You're just doing what your therapist instructed you." He then sat down on the edge of the bed as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Now are you hungry? Gun is making some pancakes and later I will make some rum cake."

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile softly as she got up out of bed before asking, "What about Thanksgiving? We were supposed to go to my place ... or my mom's place this year." Goo slid off the bed allowing her to get up.

"Don't worry, she said not to worry about it and she can come up to visit sometime later." Goo reassured her as he took her hand before bringing it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles lightly. "For now you just sit pretty and look beautiful." He winked at her as she raised a brow.

"Didn't know you could be the gentleman type." She teased with a smirk as he let go of her hand, letting it fall to her side.

Goo shrugged, "What can I say, I'm the man every woman wants."

"Ok, I see your head has grown a few sizes now and I'm leaving." (Y/N) walked around him, leaving her bedroom as Goo turned around, following her.

She then smiled once more as she caught sight of Gun who laid a plate down in front of her with pancakes and bacon, a glass of chocolate milk beside it. She let out a hum as she struggled not to drool at the sight as she climbed up onto the barstool. "Thanks Gun." She beamed happily as she began to cut her pancakes before taking a bite, letting out a hum of delight.

"Hey! Where is mine?" Goo questioned as he glared at Gun as he sat down on (Y/N)'s other side with a plate and orange juice in hand.

Gun rolled his eyes, "Make it yourself." He spoke bluntly as Goo glared at him.

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