Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since Crystal was transferred here, and she hasn't shown up for pretty much a week now. I tapped my pencil rapidly against the table, with my eyes trained on the doorway hoping she would walk through. I let out a sigh, as I just let my pencil fall onto my sketchbook, leaning back in my chair as I began to worry. Had those girls really gotten into her head?

"Crystal hasn't been here for a few days."

"Is it 'cuz of us?"

"Are we going to be in trouble?" I hear the girls whisper amongst one another, seeming worried more for their own skins than whether Crystal was actually ok or not. "Yui?" The girl questioned further, looking towards her.

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't bully her." Yui glared at the other girls, with her arms crossed over the desk. I rolled my eyes crossing my own arms, Yui never admits fault even when there is proof pointing directly at her.

"Hey, Yui Kim." Zack spoke, lifting his head off the desk as he glared in her direction. "You shouldn't have done that. Treating a transfer student like that." He spoke in an annoyed tone, his eyes narrowing. "I guess you haven't changed." He sighed, shaking his head slightly before glancing in my direction to which I smiled softly back at him while Yui and her supporters tried to defend her. Zack glared sharply at the three guys who flinched under his gaze looking terrified, "Are you messing with me? Don't suck up to a girl or I will make you eat from a straw." He growled as the three guys lowered their heads letting out a whimper. "Cut your balls, boys." Zack huffed before snapping his attention forward as Mira walked up.

"Zack, are you fighting again?" Mira questioned with her arms crossed, looking down at Zack with a firm expression on her features.

"What do you mean Mira?" Zack questioned, looking up to her practically looking like a dog waiting to be praised. "No one is fighting here." He stated further to which Mira glanced at me seeing if it was true to which I nodded.

Mira then let out a sigh patting his head, "Alright, as long as you weren't fighting anyone." She then went off to her seat just as someone I haven't seen before walked in.

She sure looked beautiful, her long black hair brushed neatly as she wore a laid back outfit, fiddling with her fingers after placing down a box of burgers. "Please be nice to Crystal. Bonappetit." She said her voice was beautiful as well, it was soothing like a trickling stream. I lowered my head a bit, growing just a little insecure as I looked over myself wondering if I looked alright. I consider myself pretty, but she is beautiful which seemed to outshine every girl here making them intimated. "I'm Crystal's sister. As twins we're the same age." My mouth dropped in shock, not ever knowing Crystal had a sister much less a twin. "Enjoy the food." She stated with a bright smile.

My shock quickly faded as a deep frown overtook my features, Crystal never told me about a sister ... Why would she keep this from me after all the stuff I told her? I folded my arms over the table before laying my head down chin first as my eyes locked on this supposed twin sister as the guys whispered how hot she was. Her gaze was drifting around the room, just like Crystal does, seeming to read the room. She looked right at Yui before saying, "Please don't bother Crystal~" Yui then looked back towards her support group who now spoke things against her, anger decorated Yui's features. But she didn't say a word.

"Don't worry about Crystal! I'll look after her!" Doo Lee spoke out, practically shouting as he stood up from his chair causing me to glare at him sharply making him flinch as he sat down back in his seat.

Crystal's twin looked away, a cold look overtaking her features, "Oh ... um ... I guess." She mumbled, seeming to not believe a thing he said. I guessed Crystal told her everything that has been happening at school naming all the jerks. Maybe she really is Crystal's twin sister.

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