Chapter 25

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I woke up rather earlier than usual no thanks to Lola being my alarm clock, screaming from behind my door as she found a way to unlock her crate ... again. I sat up groaning before shouting, "Alright Lola! I'm up!" The husky screaming then, finally, stopped. The next school year was starting up and honestly I was a little excited. Wondering if I'll meet anyone new or any familiar faces in the freshman class. Well there is really only one I'm curious about and that's Joy, I'm dying to know why I find her so familiar.

I scurried out of bed glancing over as I picked up the pill bottle, looking underneath it as the number of pills has dwindled to three. I decided not to think much of it, I've been doing better lately, even skipped my medication a few times now, only taking it every so often. Perhaps being here instead of the estate has made it better and even fights don't trigger anything.

I opened the door to my room after getting ready, looking down at the happily panting husky giving me the most innocent look in the world like she hasn't been screaming for the past couple of minutes. "Are you starving or something?" I questioned earning a bark in reply. I sighed as I walked around her heading towards the kitchen as I put some dog food in her bowl before opening a can of cat food and placing it in front of Void who began to eat it. "I swear, I think you're the mastermind of it all." I say as I gave Void a suspicious glare.

I then began to fix myself some toast before putting on some butter then gobbled it down quickly while getting my stuff ready, sliding a jacket over my shoulders. I slipped on my shoes before walking out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. "Ready for school?" I hear a familiar stoic voice question, I turn my head seeing Gun.

"Yep!" I replied beaming up at him as I walked beside him out to the car. "You sure you're ok giving me a ride? I can still walk ya know." I told him as he opened the passenger side door for me, taking my hand as I stepped inside his car.

"It's fine, I don't have much to do today anyway." He stated as he climbed into the driver's side.

I told him goodbye once we reached the school, climbing out and closing the door behind me noticing the freshman walking about. I noticed Daniel and Eli being gawked over by the first year girls as they were practically drooling over them. I jumped a little feeling someone wrap around my arm seeing Zoe, "(Y/N)! It's been so long!" She beamed happily.

"You just saw me yesterday." I stated with a small giggle as I smiled softly. "Oh thanks for picking out my new jacket, I was really struggling trying to figure out which one of the two I was going to get." I gestured to the jacket I was wearing.

Zoe smiled, "Of course, it looks great on you. Better fitting than the other one by far." She said with a wave of her hand as the two of us walked to class talking with each other. As soon as we entered the classroom I was suddenly embraced by a pair of arms.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice squealed as I looked down, seeing Joy who beamed up happily. I then looked over as Jay held a nervous expression as he looked at Joy before looking back at me. "Hi Daniel!" She then squealed out as Daniel walked into the classroom just behind Zoe and I.

"Let's get to our seats." I whisper to Zoe who nodded in agreement as we split up while I walked over to Jay. "You didn't tell me you had a sister." I say giving him a nudge, gaining his attention as he gazes at me with a questioning look. "I can tell, you have similar facial features. I have been wondering why she looked so familiar." I stated as I crossed my arms with a smile watching as she clung to Daniel's arm. I look over seeing Zoe watching the twos interaction intensely not noticing Daniel's gaze falling onto me.

I let out a sigh walking over to my desk sitting down as I glanced at Crystal watching her mind churning, I told her about what I heard the stalker say and she decided to conduct an investigation on her own. "(Y/N) Seong." I look over surprised to see Eli handing out a carton of milk towards me, multiple stares watching intensely. "Have some milk." He said with a gentle smile.

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