Chapter 24

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I yawned as Jay and I were leaning against one another watching a show we found interest in waiting for class to start. "Stalker!? You were being stalked!?" Jay and I both looked over in sync as we heard Doo question, him and a couple other guys looked down at Daniel with wide eyes.

Daniel smiled nervously, his shoulders tensing up, "Ah, she's gone now. I changed the locks so ..." He trailed off as his gaze fell onto his desk as the guys seemed to praise the fact he had a stalker.

"Wow, cool! I wish a girl would stalk me."

"Is she hot?"

Zack looked up a little, seeming to have woken up from his nap due to the commotion, "Wow ... you really are trash." Earning a shock expression from Doo and the other two. I then paused the show as I spoke.

"Hey, it's not funny. It's a scary thing to experience, not something to wish for. Are you sick in the head?" I told the three, my eyes sharpening into a glare causing them to flinch before scurrying away. I then looked over at Jay who seemed to hold a worried expression as he looked at me before looking at Daniel. "Hm? Yea, I saw her go into his house. But she left before I could catch her, his house was empty." I told Jay as Zoe walked over to Daniel.

"Now I'll come to school with you. I wish piggy would come to school too." She stated with a pout before looking over at me. "You'll join us next time right (Y/N)?" Zoe questioned with a bright smile.

I nodded, "Yeah sure, just text me when you're on your way." I smiled warmly as I took out the earbud in my ear before handing it to Jay.

"Wait piggy?" Doo questioned from where he sat, raising a brow as he looked in Zoe's direction.

Zoe crossed her arms as she spoke with a soft smile, "Yeah, the boy who lives with Daniel." She stated as she leaned her weight on one leg. All three guys then tensed up in fear which caused me to raise a brow.

Jay then stood up from his seat catching me by surprise as he walked over to Daniel with something in his hands, and grabbed hold of Daniel's hands before placing the item into them. "Oh Jay, huh ... what's this?" Daniel questioned as he looked down at the item seeing it was a red boxcutter before looking over at Jay with a confused expression as the blonde walked away with his hands in his pockets.

I raised a brow as I noticed Daniel looking down at his hand, his eyes widening in pure horror before jumping up from his desk rushing out of the classroom leaving us all confused. When I got home from school I began to pace around my apartment. Something just didn't feel right, something was off. Lola had a toy in her mouth wagging her tail as she watched me pace, before looking over at the table as my phone began to buzz, dropping her toy as she barked at the phone gaining my attention.

I rushed forward grabbing the phone quickly seeing it was an unknown number, I answered it getting the feeling it's something important, "Hello?" I questioned before my eyes widened, "Little Daniel!? Wha .. huh ... slow down." I rushed around grabbing my jacket as I slipped it on before rushing over to grab my shoes, hopping a little to get them on. "Alright alright hold on I'll be right there." I told him as I rushed out of the apartment, locking it behind me as I made my way to the police station taking the bus to get there.

I walked in, spotting Little Daniel instantly as I rushed to him looking him over, "My god are you ok?" I questioned placing my hands on his shoulders as I looked him over, and noticed he was wearing a tight pink shirt and some shorts.

"Ma'am I need you - Oh um... apologies I didn't recognize you Ms. Seong." The officer said, stuttering over his words, chuckling nervously.

"I'll take it from here. Thanks for looking after him." I told him with a small smile to which he stated it wasn't a problem as I guided Little Daniel out of the police station listening to his whole story. I listened intently as I crossed my arms.

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