Chapter Six: The Battle Plan

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At this point, most of the party guests had fled in terror, whether on foot or by car, how ever they could manage. The core crew stayed behind to keep an eye on Gina as she lay on the couch. It's not long until I get this crazy idea for a scavenger hunt through the basement. "Keep searching everyone," I direct my friends while searching through my dad's boxes of artifacts. "We're looking for something that would somehow counteract the nightmare that's was unleashed on us. I feel like my dad has a relic that we can use in one of these boxes."

"Dude," Bradlee starts. "We're like seriously in the midst of some kind of dream or late night horror movie. I don't think I can name a single movie scarier than this." 

I just go along with him as he's rambling off because he's right. Even I'm starting to think this whole search is pointless when suddenly I come across a large wooden crate. "Pass me that hammer, Rob." I smash into the crate with everything I got and Tony, being the biggest and strongest of us all, tears into it like a madman. Then I let out a victorious shout, "Over here! We found it!"

Tony, shining his flashlight over my shoulder, isn't even half as excited as I am, "A book? Unless it's the bible, I don't see how it will help!" 

I laughed but answered with, "No this is good....." 

It's encased in a glass, standing atop a mantle for display. I'm guessing dad was meant to present this at the museum in the next couple of weeks. Sorry old man, but that exhibition just got canceled. I smash through the glass and hold high what looks like an ancient tome.

Veronica asks, "What is that?" I'm shouting happily, "This boys and girls is the Book of Shadows!" Grinning ear to ear, I continued, "Its a real cookbook of magic spells and stories. A Grimoire belonging to a coven of Witches. "

Veronica walks over shining her flashlight shouts, "Seriously?"

I just shrug my shoulders, staring at her confidently. "Seriously. This is what we need to beat that thing and send all those monsters back where they came from!"

Completely skeptical Veronica replies, "And how is it going to do that?"

"Well," I explain. "That thing clearly doesn't belong here and needs to be banished.... and.... the Book of Shadows definitely has the spell somewhere in these pages to do just that. We just need to find it."

Tony looks incredulously skeptical at me, "How the heck do you know all this stuff?"

I just smile saying, "I read a lot."

Veronica then sighs and comments, "Well it's good that you read while this monster is ready to wreak havoc on our city."

To which Bradlee yells, "Who knows....maybe he's right......we have to do something. If my boy says that book can save the day. I'm rolling with him. "

Robbie chimes in, "Agreed. I'm sticking by Derrick."

Upon hearing the approval of my boys, Veronica rolls her eyes and nods her head. She's all for it now. Tony, being a die-hard Christian, doesn't like the idea of using witchcraft to fight a demon-spirit-monster thingy, but says, "Alright. Count me in."


We come back up from the basement, ready to do battle with the undead. I check up on Gina, and she's still knocked out on the couch, breathing heavy with her mouth. I can't help but stare at her. Even as a crazed, bloodthirsty woman possessed, I find her fascinating.

"Alright," Veronica interrupts. "What do we do first, fearless leader?"

"Uhh, I think we need supplies," I suggest nervously. "Robbie, Bradlee... I need you guys to go find anything we can use as weapons. We may have to kill some zombies on the way. Anything... uh... knives, tools, a baseball bat... load up and meet us outside." The boys shoot upstairs without question.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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