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"The infinity diamond was shattered into 9 pieces,

he was the one to join them"

The universe is vast, it contains many clusters, galaxies, stars, star systems and planets. Upon all of them, our narration relies on the star system of Eltra, which is a three-star system. One is a blue giant and the other one is just a yellow dwarf. The distance between the Blue-giant and the Yellow-dwarf is pretty much more. The planet Stalet orbits the yellow dwarf in a habitable zone. The star system is surrounded by the Fyura Nebula. It is huge and yellow. Due to that, the planet has breathtaking night skies. Stalet has three moons.

Disclosing the history, we know that the planet of Stalet suffered the most, to thrive life. Among those, there lies the infinity diamond - a weapon or a shield or maybe the combination of both, in the great wars of Delmoron, the infinity diamond was shattered into 9 pieces by Ulmorson - The leader of the Gullerian army. One of the most special features of the infinity diamond is, that it can transform into any form of matter, it was shattered as a solid and then became fluid and is now, living as a consciousness - Unknown, Concealed and Lost in the universe. They can be rejoined, only by the special bond of amour.

"8 pieces fell beneath the warmth of each other,

The 9th one was lost and alone in the void."

The Infinity - A Lost DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now