chapter 1 - Finding Oblivion.

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Ok, so, I have a YouTube. I'll put the link here when I find it.

This is the best I can do. I'll upload animated clips of this story if I can!

(Br0k3n's pov.)
Now that the narrator or whatever, finished linking his YT, Time to get to the actual story! No one asked anything. I'm kinda surprised about that. You guys usually have a lot of questions from what I know. Anyways, you people wanted me to find Oblivion. I would have done it either way. I destroyed the multiverse and got out. So now, I'm in some Creator's library. I killed that certain creator. Oh also, they were the creator from before. I am trying to find information on Oblivion. Other then that he exists, that he made Destruction, and that he's to be feared, I can't find a single. Damn. Book. On. Him. In both ways that could be interpreted. GAH! I'm gonna take out my frustrations on the surrounding Koltherverses! Oh. Also, I should explain how the layers of reality works. AUs come together to make a Multiverse. AMs (alternate multiverses) come together to make Omniverses. AOs (alternate Omniverses) come together to make a Megaverse. So on and so forth. There are 100 layers. (Narrator here. Names can be added. The first 5 layers are named and the 97th. Well, the 100th later is just straight up called Reality) Koltherverses are the 97th layer. Still not very much of reality. A few creators might try to stop me, but they won't stand a chance!

(???'s pov)
I was floatin', chillin' out in the void. Literally since the void was very cold. Absolute zero cold. Even the concept of heat was destroyed here. I was sealed to my domain of power since the defeat against Creation so long ago... Hm? Someone was destroyin' Koltherverses on mass... It wasn't Destruction or one of my two generals... so who could it be? It was a glitchy bein'... I thought I kept tabs on every glitchy bein'. Hum... I think I've found someone worthy to be my third and last general. I gotta teleport them here.

(Br0k3n's pov)
I felt a tug of an attempted teleport. I ignored it at first... Until I noticed it was from the void. Then it was much more forceful and- I was in the void in front of... Someone I was looking for. Welp. I found Oblivion alright.

406 words!

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