Chapter Twelve

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Episode Two: Blessings of St

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Episode Two: Blessings of St. Coccyx

Night has taken over the sky. The plan is in action. First, steal the gold, return to the hospital, and steal the book from Sneed's office, all before the sun rises. Two thefts in one night. Shouldn't be too much of an issue. Well, it was, if Fagin counted the guards.

"You told me there were two guards, there's five." Jack points out, his hand on the middle of Aurelia's back.

To be honest, Jack did the action because it gave him some comfort knowing she is near. If things go south, they could be hanged. All of them, and the last thing he wants is for his Aurelia to get hurt. She is sacrificing a part of herself just being here, he doesn't want her suffering. She has too much to live for. Her best friend Belle, becoming a successful woman in the workplace, an Emerson daughter who will marry rich and thrive. Aurelia has a life ahead of her, he will be damned if he lets this plan to use her, make her future change or end.

"Two, five, what's the difference?"

"Three." Both him and Aurelia say, causing them to both look at each other and bump shoulders.

It feels as if they are trying to one up the other while also trying to make the other jealous. It seems to be working, well, at least Jack feels the jealousy. He isn't liking the plan. Aurelia being a distraction. It seems wrong, to have a woman be put in a vulnerable situation, acting as if the only help they need is from a man. Aurelia agreed, he has to keep reminding himself. It's all to save his hand. It will be worth it in the end.

"I'm gonna scale that tree, edge along the wall then find somewhere soft to break my fall. Take out one of the guards, while Aurelia distracts the others. I'll nick his keys and open the gate. Now, you wait here." Jack explains his plan to Fagin.

"Sounds lovely, Jack." Aurelia says, patting his shoulder.

Jack, there's that damn name again. Not Dawkins, not doctor, but Jack. He is sure she still has anger towards him, the stink eye she continues to give him is enough evidence, but he hopes if this plan works where he frees himself of debt and in return gets the journal, they can start over. Maybe start from scratch. Maybe in a different life this never happens and instead they work at the hospital, a doctor and a peace maker, maybe they cross paths by running into each other. Maybe in another life there is no anger but love. He shakes the thought quickly.

"While I climb a tree, Aurelia you act- What in bloody hell are you doing?" He was so distracted by his name falling off her lips he didn't even realize what Aurelia is doing.

She has a scalpel in her hand, his scalpel, and has cut into her bruise and scrapped up knee, creating a deep cut that will surely need stitches. He grabs the surgical equipment from her hand quickly, snatching it from her, instantly inspecting the cut.

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