Chapter Four

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Episode One: The Yankee Dodge

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Episode One: The Yankee Dodge

She did not want to go to this party. Dressing up, putting on a show, a possible suitor trying to get her attention. It didn't seem fair or logical, if she didn't want to marry then she should be able to live a still successful life. However, that isn't how society works, and so there is a party at the Governor's house, to celebrate riches and wealth, while the poor struggle to get food and a roof that doesn't leak.

Aurelia wishes for freedom, Jack is right, she is under her father's command. He controls her. Her love life is all a game for fame, she can't talk to those with different statuses, and her actions reflect on her entire family. She is under control, just a puppet to please her father and have society forget her mother's mistakes.

The Governor's ball, an extraordinary event, if one is entitled to themselves. But alas, Aurelia wants her father happy. Maybe enough drinks in and she can forget the night and forget how her wealth, although something to be thankful for, has its trials and sins. She dresses in a beautiful pink dress, with jewels around her neck that belonged to her mother, and a small crown on her head. She is royalty, as some believe.

The only good thing out of tonight is that she will be able to visit with Belle, a friend who has such a high interest in the medical field. Aurelia has always been fascinated and jealous of Belle's knowledge and integrity to know all things medicine. While she is more of a books person, Belle would love the hands on experience, if society let her that is. She knows Belle would be a great surgeon one day, if only woman were allowed such a job. Regardless, she can visit with her friend, converse about the weird encounter her father demanded he have with Jack Dawkins, and even go into depths of her latest idea of a story.

Belle in recent months has been her lifeline in many ways. Her mother caused quite the trauma and her status made her feel obliged to act strong at all moments, Belle was the one person she could cry too without feeling weak and unworthy. Maybe enough drinks in and Aurelia will be able to suffer a night such as this, especially considering Belle may not feel up to the ball, not when she has been sick recently.

"My beautiful daughter." Her father doesn't even knock, walking into her room as if he owns it, which maybe he does, "The ball is starting. There are some men who would love to visit with you."

"Of course." She allows herself one last chance to touch up her hair, before letting her father walk her out of the room and eventually out into the world.

The Govenor's Ball, what could possibly go wrong?


Everything is going wrong, at least that is what Jack thinks. Last night he lost a patient. Not from his own doing of surgery but the professors. Regardless, he lost a patient, blood soaked his arms and all he could do was try and stop the bleeding. He felt the patient take his last breath. Not to mention Fagin. His old friend, if you will. Fagin, the man that abandoned him in a cell to rot. A man who ran when he had the chance and left him to stay prisoner for years. Fagin returned and has been a constant nuisance. He visited with some 'patients' and regardless, Fagin still has his ways of stealing, and with a debt he needs to pay by Tuesday lingering, Fagin has been desperately trying to convince him to steal. Then Charlie, poor Charlie getting ran by a carriage, which he realizes now is for the Govenor's daughter, Lady Belle. He now waits, Belle saying she has the supplies for surgery, leaving him, Fagin, and Charlie to wait for the woman to return.

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