Chapter 5: Timcanpy's Memory

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Allen's POV

Lenalee and I had gotten a call from the Order as we were trying to head back. As Lenalee talked to Kumoi I could see something was troubling her.

"What's wrong, Lenalee?" I asked as she came back.

"General Yeegar is being attacked by the Clan of Noah, Kumoi asked us to go help." I jumped up and we both rushed out of the restaurant we'd taken shelter in from the pouring rain outside.

"Allen, what if we don't make it in time?" I shook my head frowning. I didn't want to think about that.

"We'll make it! We have to!" I said and as we rushed through the crowds I saw Timcanpy stop. "Lenalee!" I called and she slowed.

"What is it?" We both looked at Tim who was circling a place in thin air.

"Tim, what's wrong?" He shook his head and then Lenalee grabbed my coat yanking me away.

"We have to find the General!" I nodded and she let go as we both rushed towards where we last saw the General.

An hour earlier we had met the General and gotten to get some food, thank god because I thought I was going to die.

"Allen!" I looked up and saw that the Finders who were with the General were standing in front of an oak tree.

"Miss Lenalee, Master Walker." One of them said and I looked up at the tree to see General Yeegar chained to it. "He's barely hanging on to life." I clenched my fists.

How could they do this to someone like General Yeegar?!

After we had gotten the General down and taken him back to town for treatment we learned why the Noah kept him alive.

They were after the Heart of Innocence, the Heart controlled all the other pieces of Innocence and was right now the turning point in the war.

"Hey Allen, Lenalee Timcanpy looks like he has something to show you?" Lavi said walking in with Bookman.

"Let's go outside..." Lenalee muttered and we all left the General's room quietly.

"Alright Timcanpy, show us." Lavi said and Tim's mouth opened and an image flashed before us.

A girl with pink hair and pink eyes was there looking at Tim and then she vanished into thin air.

"Who was that?" I asked and then I remembered one person who had both of those physical things.

Don't tell me it was-?!

"It couldn't be Crystal, could it?" Lenalee said shocked.

"If Timcanpy stopped to record it, I believe it was." Bookman said with a frown.

"But why would she disappear like that... unless!" Lenalee started.

"I've only seen the Clan of Noah do things like that." Lavi said.

"No!" Lenalee screamed and people turned to stare. "It can't be Crystal! I won't believe it! Then that would mean she was the one who killed the General..." She whispered the last sentence but we all heard it.

"She does have the ability to cause people pain..." Lavi said touching his cheek.

"No..." Lenalee said and I bent down next to her.

"Lenalee... We need to knowledge that it could be the truth." She slapped me across the face and ran off.

"Lenalee!!" Lavi called after her, but she never stopped running.

"Don't go after her... she needs to figure this out herself." Bookman said and I sat against the wall with Lavi.

"Do you think she'll be alright by herself?" I asked. He chuckled.

"It's Lenalee, you don't have to worry." I nodded and looked at the sky as the sun set.

"You're right."

But I wonder if Timcanpy was right. If Crystal is a Clan of Noah what are we going to do?

The Noah of Pain (2nd book to His Weakness)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon